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difference b/n neuroleptic syndrome and serotonin - trazomle
guys tell the difference between neuroleptic and serotonin syndrome? dont refer to books?
there r three hyperthermic syndromes:
1.SEROTININ SYNDROME: SSRIs,MAOI,Linezolid can b the cause.
There is hyperreflexia,clonus+icreased bowel sounds,diarrhea+agitation, ONSET WITHIN HOURS. t/m Sedation(benzodiazepines)
2.Neuroleptic Malignant: d2 blocking antipsychotics
There is PARKINSONISM acute + nl or reduced bowel movement. ONSET 1-3DAYS. t/m Diphenhydaramine
3.Malignant Hyperthermia: volatile anesthetics ONSET WITHIN MTS. t/m Dantrolene
And of course look for the clue in history
you r right what i thought it as

neurolept malignant -- hyperthermia , hypertension, muscle rigidity

where as SEROTONIN SYNDROME will have in addition to all above will have hyperreflexia , seizures .
correct me if i am wrong

The Serotonin syndrome has the triad:
Cognitive effects: mental confusion, hypomania, hallucinations, agitation, headache, coma.
Autonomic effects: shivering, sweating, fever, hypertension, tachycardia, nausea, diarrhea.
Somatic effects: myoclonus/clonus, hyperreflexia, tremor.
And there are a recent addition or increase in dose of an agent that raises serotonin levels
The MNS have similar symptoms, but it occurs from prolonged use f neuroleptics or withdrawal of dopamine agonists, and has muscle rigidity, in contrast to myoclonus or hyperreflexia with SD.
Ok lemmie follow this by asking the MOA of the drug used to treat the hypothermia?

This was a Step 1 question a few months ago and was on our Pharm shelf as well.

I'll post it later if nobody gets it.
do u mean hyPERthermia??thats dantrolene
yes Dantrolene hyperthermia...oops typo before!!
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