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clinical rotations -

Hello everyone,
I made a post about 1 week ago about how to get a clinical rotation set up. I am a 3rd year medical student and need to do ALL of my clinical rotations still. I have taken the USMLE step I already. How long should I wait for the school to set up core rotations for me? I have contacted some hospitals already and no hospital will take me yet. Maybe I just need some advice on what to ask or say to these hosptials.
Thank you
mission_usmle - mission_usmle

i am t third year medical student too from india.i havent taken the mle yet. where are u from. maybe we can form a study group together

I live in the US, but left the US to study in the Caribbean (why I left--to have a unique experience), but my school seems to be taking too long to set up rotations for me back here in the US. I already took the USMLE Step I. If you have any questions about it, I'll answer. But, please any advice on how to set up clinical rotations would be much appreciated.

Which carribbean school are you from ?.I'm in the same situation as you.

HI Ts,
I'd rather not say the school, but it is not one of the island schools, it is in Central America.

I really hate it when people act like this...I would rather not say the school?!

I would not trust you to take care of my dog if that is the kind of things you worry about.
Just Me


I think that person does not want to say what school they attend it their right. You should not criticize the fact that they do not wish to share that information. Besides the school they attend had nothing to do with the question that was being asked. And about your dog you are quite right about that because this forum is not for Veterinarians. It is for those planing to become medical doctors to take care of people. So if you are looking for someone to take care of your dog you may check either a dog sitter company if that is what you were refering to, or find a veterinarians.

Stick to the issue guy. No need to get personal. If you really had no intention to respond to the actual post then just ignore it.

Happy studying for your step 2 Fred!!

Just me-

Knowing what school he/she is from could actually help a great deal. You see, in order to get clinical rotations, it IS important to know what school the person is from.

See, let?s say for example that the person attended a Caribbean school, then I would let him/her know which hospitals I know of that have taken those students. Same for european/foriegn schools.

I know a great number of these hospitals, as I am finishing my 3rd year rotations.

It was not a personal attack, the above was my frustration at the perpetuation of foreign medical student stigma.

And my dog is well cared for.
Just Me

Fred, the person did say that they are from a caribbean school!!
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