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Renal drjiggy - roh
1. - I had about 10-15 renal questions, some really hard. 6 of them were in that category where you have a million answers and they give you 2 or 3 questions on the same answers. What else can I say but know your renal!!

2.- Guy had testicular mass, ultrasound confirms that it is a solid mass, what is the next step? Excisional biopsy or orchiectomy?

3.- 2 questions on BPH (dx)

3.- Pathophysiology of post-strep GN? I put destruction of foot processes (they didn™t have fusion)

4. - Muddy casts -> ATN

6. - Pt in car accident, CK level is off the roof, what is he at risk of? ATN
alright guys last ones for today.....will contn tommorow....same time 10 am EST
good roh!
Will do some reading take coffee time wee you tomorrow friends!
1. mass in testibcle...tescticle is out
2. BPH....use alfa blockers to decrease the muscle component
use finasteride if the hypertrophi has been from epitelial or glandular component
3. post strep GN is lumpy-bumpy inmunofluorescence..the bumps is for deposition of immune complex
4.muddy cast...acute tubular necrosis
red blood cast glomerulonephritis ( vasculitis)
fatty cast ( nephrotic Sd)
White blood cast....interstitial nephritis pyielonephritis
hialine cast...protein loss
broad and waxy cast...chronic renal failure
eosynophil cast...allergic intersticial nephritis ( SMX TMP)
#6 is ATN due to Rhabdomylosis
elba i can see a 99 on your front head,
What i already have is a 99 cents in my checking account!....::Smile))
dont worry about that,,look at it as an investment that shall bring you joy and satisfaction later on, dont worry it will pay off.
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