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guys teel me this ans. doudig,lynn, darkhorse othe - sd
A 6-year-old boy with cystic fibrosis is
brought to the
physician by his mother because his skin has been cool
and clammy for 30
minutes. Earlier in the day, he had been playing
outdoors, and the
temperature was 99 F. When returning indoors, he was
thirsty and restless. His
blood pressure is 70/40 mm Hg, and pulse is 120/min.
Examination shows
dry mucous membranes. Serum sodium level is 128
mEq/L, and serum
chloride level is 87 mEq/L. Which of the following is
the most likely
explanation for these findings?

) Excessive sweat electrolyte level

) Excessive sweat volume

) Excessive urinary output

) Excessive vasopressor secretion

) Inadequate sweat production
is it E...
The ans should be A

CFTR interferes with electrolyte and fluid balances in the body. In most CF patients, sweat is up to five times saltier than normal and severe salt depletion can occur in very hot weather.
In this case, the boy has excessive lost sweat electrolyte , mainly Cl- and Na+, leading his low levels of serum Cl- and Na+. He also had water loss resulting in hypotension.

The main pathophysiology here is due to excessive sweat electrolyte loss.
agreed aa
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