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A 37-year-old............. - saminad
A 37-year-old accountant is hospitalized for a laparoscopic cholecystectomy. The day after his surgery, he reports feeling palpitations in his chest. He says that even prior to his hospitalization he had been feeling nervous and has noticed himself perspiring more easily. His past medical history is significant for a resection of a benign brain tumor during childhood. He also mentions that he may have lost weight, although he has not been dieting. Physical examination reveals a thin, anxious appearing male. His lungs are clear and cardiac auscultation demonstrates an irregularly irregular rhythm and no murmurs. Neurologic examination is significant for a fine tremor in both hands. An electrocardiogram performed at the bedside shows atrial fibrillation. The most appropriate study at this time to evaluate this patient's symptoms is
A. a chest x-ray
B. a CT scan of the head
C. an exercise tolerance test
D. a serum thyroid stimulating hormone
E. a ventilation/perfusion scan
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