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hiv - lynna
4)HIV pt female cd4 <200 -and leukoplakia -------what next step of mangement -----OP: TMX SMX/TM SMX+Pap smear/ MMR/ DTP/ pap smear
i saw this quest before.somebody replied TMP SMX. i m still confused.
I'm thinking of pap smear b/c leukoplakia also occurs in d genitals.Leukoplakia is usually treated with antivirals acyclovir,podophyllin .topical retinoic acid. It's caused by Ebstein Barr virus. I'm not sure of using TMSMX in it's tx
The question and choices are not clear to me

But the question dosen't ask about treatment, it says management.

Any HIV patient with CD4 less than 200 should receive TMP/ SMX prophylaxis and also MMR vaccine

Pap smear is done from the age of 21 or 3 years after starting sexual intercourse whichever is earlier and repeated initially every year for 2-3 years and then every 3 years. So pap smear is irrevlavant in this question.

My answer is TMP/SMX
pranav I don't think we give MMR unless CD4 count is > 200 in hiv

do agree w/ TMp-SMX
ho doyoudig,

you are right, we should give MMR if CD4 count is more than 200 only

By the way vaccines indicated in HIV are 1. Influenza, 2. Pneumococcus, Hep B
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