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Regarding NRMP directory - enthusiasm13
Hey guys I was going through the NRMP directory, which all of us will use to rank programs. It appears that many programs have given half their positions in pre match because the quota mentioned over there appears to be quite less than the positions offered by the programs which means that programs are offering pre-matches right and left..

Can anybody share their experience. Is that quota of the current year or for the last year because there is apossibility that NRMP has not updated the website.. Any input will be appreciated.
anybody could enlighten me on this plz
this is what i know,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
we all know that total seats=prematch seats +match seats,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
now before the match ( that is now), programs have already decided how many seats ( quota ) should/would go for prematch,,,,,,,,,,,,the no. of seats which you see now in the directory is = total seats-this quota ( of prematches ),,,,,,,,
lets say a program has 20 seats,,,,,their have decided that this year their could be 10 prematches,,,,,,,,,,so the no. which we now see in the NRMP directory is 10 seats ,,,
NOW their is a catch here,,,,,,,,10 prematches don't always mean 10,it could be 9 prematches or it could be 12 prematches ,,,,no one knows,,
THAT IS WHY at the end of Jan ( i presume) the programs have to declare how many seats are being offered for match,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
in the above eg of 20 seats,,,with 9 prematches,,their will declare 11
in the same eg of 20 seats ,,,with 12 prematches,,,their will declare 8 seats,,
Thank you anthony..I understand all of that but my question curtails if what I am seeing on nrmp rite now is an updated information then I am in big trouble since many of the positions have been filled by the programs where I interviewed.
No, the number can be change the last day before deadline of ROL. You will be surprised to see how much the number shrinks.
In another words, that number showing up now is not accurate at all. Try one day or two before the ROL deadline. Some programs might not be able to be found at that time.
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