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q14 - kola
Which one of the following products of triacylglycerol breakdown and subsequent β oxidation may undergo gluconeogenesis?


1. Propionyl CoA

2. Acetyl CoA

3. All ketone bodies

4. Some amino acids

5. β-hydroxybutyrate
1. propionyl coA
The Correct Answer is: Propionyl CoA

Lipolysis of triacylglycerols yields fatty acids and glycerol. The free glycerol is transported to the liver, where it can be phosphorylated to glycerol phosphate and enter the glycolysis or the gluconeogenesis pathways at the level of dihydroxyacetone phosphate. Acetyl CoA and propionyl CoA are produced in the final round of degradation of an odd-chain fatty acid. Acetyl CoA cannot be converted to glucose, but propionyl CoA can. The three carbons of propionyl CoA enter the citric acid cycle after being converted into succinyl CoA. Succinyl CoA can then be converted to oxaloacetate and enter the glycolytic scheme. Ketone bodies, including β-hydroxybutyrate, are produced from acetyl CoA units derived from fatty acid β-oxidation. They may not be converted to glucose. Amino acids are not a product of triacylglycerol breakdown.
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