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A 59-year-old woman - linuk
A 59-year-old woman comes to the clinic for a routine followup visit for high blood pressure. At
her last visit she was found to have stage one hypertension and was started on a
salt-restricted diet and an exercise plan. Today she reports feeling well and believes the diet
and exercise have been a success. She is extremely pleased with a 10-pound weight loss over
the last 6 months. Aside from hypertension, she has a history of migraines and Raynaud
phenomena, both of which are intermittent but bothersome. She also has had asthma most of
her life, which requires the use of a rescue inhaler once or twice a week. Aside from her
inhaler she takes no prescription medications, though she does take over the counter
high-dose acetaminophen when a migraine occurs. Her blood pressure today is found to be
155/85 mm Hg. Which of the following is the most efficacious first treatment for this patientâ„¢s

1.ACE inhibitor
2.Alpha blocker
3.Beta blocker
4.Calcium channel blocker
5.Loop diuretics
yep correct
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