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Urgent question on Dean?s letter/MSPE - ejaz

Those have experience please answer.
1. I am an FMG graduated 10 years ago. The Dean of my Medical College has changed many times. The Dean doesn?t even know me at all. Do I still need to ask a Dean?s letter/MSPE? Since we don?t know each other, such a letter would be of little value, right?
2. Does every program ask for a Dean?s letter/MSPE? If not, what percent programs ask?
3. Can I write the letter and ask the Dean to sign it?
4. The template from ECFMG is too complex, requiring graph demonstration of student?s performance, which is definitely impossible in my medical college. Is plain text enough?
5. Is there anybody got matched without Dean?s letter/MSPE from medical college?
6. How valuable is the Dean?s letter/MSPE provided by ERAS?
Any response is appreciated!

i guess its not mandatory but its good if you have it, as far as i know.

i m also facing the same problem,plz help............

As far as i know, fmgs are not required to have MSPEs. correct me if am wrong. Although theres no harm in getting one, but u can always add a better recommendation to replace the deans letter rather than sending an awful mspe.

plz tell me what does MSPE stands for, sorry for ignorance..

The School Dean rarely knows all the students in the school. I think they already have a template or maybe a standard Dean's letter. Considering the number of students getting one each year. They probably just edit the name of the student over a microsoft word file each time. I'm just guessing though.. Smile

Deans letter is mandatory.
if your dean doesnt know you personally no prob. Your school will prob have a pre printed format, that they will fill your name in and send.
Otherwise if your med school office clerks are willing to take the trouble ,y ou can show them your marks- for every semester or prff and your certificates in co curriculars, if you have any, and they can compare it with the topper of the class (if it wasnt you) . A bell shaped graph can be made, on which pass fail percentage is marked, and your performace wrt the rest of the class can be marked. You can even do this yoruself. no hassle, if they agree, they may verify it and have the Current dean sign it.
If not, then you can make do with the pre formatted deans letter that everyone uses.
No need to sweat.
take it easy, its routine for these office clerks......and for med school deans!

by the way, whatever you can furnish- plain text even is fine. just do whatever ou can without worrying. if you cant do anything, then just relax and use what your med school has been using for so long :o)
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