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a true story about your question of &#34racial dis -

Someone just asked if you are dicriminated against , being foreign, during residency interviewsm and selection process....
People who dont want foreign grads, say so, and dont even let them apply- not necessarily cos they are colored but cos they come from a different system and these particular programs cant be bothered to teach them the new system etc cos they ahve so many American grads filling their seats in the first place.......

However, for the rest -- lemme tell you of a certain incidence during my residency interviews. This again is in response to that particular post about racism, the other day---

I went to this particular place to interview. The residency paid my hotel bills for the night before interview, and due to certain reasons unavaoidable I had to arrive in that city 4 days prior to the interview- They made sure I got a proper discount at the hotel. saved me a bunch.

So the night before the interview as often happens, the interviewees (candidates) go out to dinner with the current residents to some nearby restraunt or diner or whatever- depending on how much the rpogram wants to impress you.
Many programs give their residents the candidate's credentials and CVs to read prior to this dinner. Some residents dont bother reading the whole thing, others take it seriously. Most of the residents are to report back to the PD about their impressions of various candidates. Some deny that they are suposed to and say theres nothing to hide- you can ask us anything you want, and say anything you want to--- blah blah.....

Anyways, coming to the point...I was cornered by someone who was from my country who told me after the dinner that people treat him differently and that you cannot goof up being a foreign grad, cos they point fingers at you and believe you are incompetent..... Blah blah. He made me feel sick... and i wished i had never gone for that interview- that night, i thought- oh hell, what a waste of money- if what this guy says is really true, i dont even wanna go for the interview tomorrow morning.......(By the way, I grew up in ENgland, and i have ample experience of discrimintation and its various forms-- you know how school life can sometimes be trying?!! :o) )

The next day, i found that whatever he had said was a load of bull. Everyone was so fond of him, and people said such nice things about him behind his back. I didnt feel even a hint of that kind of attitude coming from anyone - not the co ordinator , not the PD , not the residents. Everyone seemed to take a liking to me, everyone was "homely" and the program director even sent me a New Years card that was hand written, and told me they would love to have me as a resident.
-Some people have a chip on their shoulder, and YOUR own perception makes all the difference. Its not always what THEY are portraying as much as what YOU are percieving. Get it? And as for the finger pointing when some resident goofs up? Evryone and anyone will get kicked as a resident no matter who you are, if you screw up or do something wrong.

There is no room for inferiority complexes or racial issue discussions in residency. Its about learning, and growing.

well said duckie

You go girl. Smile
dr_foreign born

i'm the one who posted the q about discrimination and i'm very happy of that kinda support of all of you guys and specialy for are such a kind and fair person...thank you very very very much cuz u gave me a boost to continue the journey to the residency the way i'm from egypt....i just wonder if there are any egyptians in the hospital u work at...thanx again..i'm very grateful.....

to Dr- foreign born:
when i was a t Kaplan, for my CSA course prep. there were 2egyptian guys there. They were the nicest people! They were both from the same medical school back in Egypt though i dot remember which one it was...
One of them was doing an externship in pathology at Albany, the other was to take CAS and go back to Egypt till interview time
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