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Packing the Bag..... - sadhubaba
As the US economy failing...I think it's time to pack the bag and head for the home..Dollar again falls against Euro...Crude gas price up $26 in one day....700 Billion Bail out plan with tax payers money!!!
me too, plan to go back europe to find a way to live
are u going to the US only for money and economy?

I am from the EU and here the living conditions, incomes, free time activities etc etc are much more better than in the US, but nevertheless I want to go to the US only to do my residency because the teaching in the worst US hospital is currently better than the teaching and "training" in any EU hospital.
yess, in europe you get more income, strong Euro..., social security is the best on the earth, in US social security is an empty cheese box, but it is the training training training, which is disgusting in Europe
Do u have a plan to go back after your training?
well, first of all i haven´t received any interview yet.....
after my training....i do not know, even when i train in the US and go back home to Europe I think that you would be one of the best in that European country, even better surgically skilled than the most famous professor in central mid-Europe
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