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to rizowana-congrat - tom5

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* attention
rodela - 10/27/08 14:17

* Attn: Hysty and Rizowana
letsallget99 - 10/25/08 11:08

Did either of you receive your results???? Smile Please let us all know when you passed...
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below is the posting of rizowana's exam experienced with the corresponding pages copied Good For Those Exam Is Near (FYI:it was rizowana who started this posting to help fellow members):

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* Re:good for those whos exam is near
rizowana - 09/29/08 16:04

i took the exam today. even though i am advising everyone to take rest before the night of the exam, i couldnt sleep for a moment. if i screw up the test its because of this. overall the exam is very doable. its kind of mixed, full of easy and tough questions combined. u will see some wheird questions in every block which u cant make head or tail off. i hope those are experimental. in my exam lots of patho and physio from respiratory and cvs. not that much immuno or micro or biochem. i find some anatomy questions mostly from the gross sections.
i had lot of molecular bio and a little biostat. only one calculation, no ecg, only one multimedia. lot of questions from neuro and they are the taughest. most of the time i had to guess regarding neuro. those who are going to take the exam please study patho and physio the most and after that please do neuro. i studied kaplan neuro and still i find some questions are going over my head. if u have time u should check the remembered questions of this thread. i find some of them common even though i only finished 1/3 of this, i wish i finished the whole thread. sply pharma. i didnt have any problem with time management. with every block i had ample time to revise my answers. my overall feelings about the test is i feel ok despite of not sleeping the whole night. i was very tired from the beginning. so everyone u have done a lot for me. lets keep our fingers crossed so that i get a decesnt score and can move on. thanks everyone.

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* Re:good for those whos exam is near
rizowana - 09/30/08 05:00

Hello dear friends, i cant believe its time I would write this..have been waiting for the exam to get over and now it has and here I am! Sorry for not writing immediately...i was/am back on the bed with an extremely severe backache after the exam and though I had planned to go away for the last 2 days...couldn't do that on account of my backache. I shall write whatever i can right now and write some more tomorrow as I cant sit for long.
This was one of the most surreal experienes of my life...all your struggles,hard work and apprehensions..and then boom,boom--8 hours slip by in a flash!
I reached the center early..and my center staff was just thru the permit,id's, and started at 9:15 sharp I had a quick review of the tutorial and then did the first 2 blocks without a break.The first block was doable..not easy and not that tough..seemed to focus on antimicrobials with emphasis on pneumonias,some complicated drug interactions,MOA of neoplastic{favourite was doxorubicin and vincristine},4-5 Cts on lower limb lesions-knee joint hit posteriorly,ankle sprains and abdomen{which i think i messed up thoroughly--i knew the answers but couldn't place them on the CT],childhood infections{one was Kawasaki}, and tricky behavioural questions-u literally come down to 2 choices and then pick one and move on.There was one about a woman whoc had post partum depression and could not bond with the baby--what would u advise the husband??
Second was extremely tough---i felt like i was in a zoo---lots of mice,deer ,baboons--all involving gene expressions and very much at the molecular level...I have guessed for about 90% of this blockand felt really bad after it ended.Took a 10 minute break and started my 3 rd--this one seemed okay...patho with micro,patho with immuno...lots of integrations{Goljan is great!}...heavy focus on cardio--know atherosclerosis,all kinds of cardiomyopathies,know murmurs really well, 2 questions on fetal circulation with a picture ,ARDS with question on compliance,slides{excellant quality} on malaria,anemias with lab value interpretation.cant remember more from this one.
4th and 5th block were the toughest of all---its not that u dont know but u dont know enough..guys..they go really deep on the concepts..hads tons of physio and lots and lots of arrow questions--effects of drugs,ventilator settings, lots of q's on physiology of pregnancy _again i was stuck between 2-3 choices a sthe questions are so well worded, it just got hard to pick one},lots of anatomy--i knew the answers but unfortunately..again to choose them on the CT/MRI---I had lots and lots of CTS/MRIS/SLIDES---heavy emphasis on pictorial diagnosis and i felt so bad that never revised theCT before the exam..Very simple biostats-case control,corelations,just 2 calculations on PPV,sensittivity.
Sorry guys, have to go now.I am using a laptop on the bed and cant go for long..need to take a break but shall definitely post much,much more tomorrow..thank you my dear friends for all your prayers,good wishes and help..i love you all and God bless each and evry one of you and help you to reach your silver lining.Shall bebback tomorow.
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* Re:good for those whos exam is near
rizowana - 09/30/08 07:46

I just got done taking the test on monday and I feel that USMLEWORLD were more like the style of questions that you saw on the test however USMLEWORLD was so much harder then the step.
USMLErx is a great review because everything that is tested on in USMLErx is on the test just not asked in that format.
Kaplan q bank is going to be your best bet on seeing where you stand because so many people have done this q bank and where you are on on your avg is pretty solid as how you should score on the real exam.
I did the kaplan class and found it helpful.
now the test. (everyone already knows to have breakfast and go in with a goodnighhad a hard Page 22
* Re:good for those whos exam is near
rizowana - 09/30/08 19:59
.my score arrived today and i got 221/90.
it feels great to touch 90 Smile)
now about my preparation hoping it would help a few of you.
i studied for about 2 1/2 months.
one reading of FA. i am bad at pharma and anat but goljan 100 pages was more than enough for me.
goljan 100 pages twice...once halfway during preparation
and once the night before the exam.
i also read goljan 35 pages.
heard the goljan audio during the initial days of preparation.
did almost all the 3000 odd questions from BRS.
did about 1000 and more q's from kaplan q bank downloaded in the site.
did q's from NMS and every source i could lay my hands on.
(did not do any usmle world q's)
did not subscribe for nbme but did all the 4 forms downloaded from the site.
some did not have answers for which i searched googleSmile
for histo and neuro anat i searched google for relavant websites and looked at very few pics.

initially i thought my prep was inadequate but the score shows otherwiseSmile)
i took the exam on 25th sept in india.
the day before the exam i had good sleep and was pretty happy that i was going to
finish off with it. i had tea in the morning.
my exam started at around 9 and i did 2 blocks at a stretch. i took a 10 min break for breakfast.
got back to the exam and did 2 more blocks.
then a 5 min break for some sweetsSmile
then the last 3 blocks. my mind was sooo numb by the time i did the 5th block that i wanted
to be out of there as soon as possible. so i did not break for the next 2 blocks.
i left the hall with more than half an hour break timeSmile

the questions were more like those in nbme forms. some q's repeated from them too.
do know them well. there were a few q's to which i had no clue about what they were asking...
make a guess and move on. i had about 8 min left on average in each block...i marked more than
half the q's thinking i would ponder over them in the remaining time but i stuck to the first answer mainly.
to q's i had no clue at all...i would not even mark them...i would make a choice and never return back to those questions...
if we keep going back to past q's in a block..we could end up wasting a lot of time.
at home i normally would take about 30-35 min to finish of a block but on the exam i took about 50 min.
so while practicing do keep an eye on the clock and try to do q's as fast as possible.
even on the exam we don't have to be 100 % sure of an answer...if you feel it looks most probably isSmile

for the first block take a deep breath and start off right away...because we don't yet have a feel of the exam.
adjust yourself to the chair( which isn't very comfy) and put on the earplugs even if u don't need them...for me...the hall was filled
with students writing other exams and they were hitting the key board with a its always better to have the earplugsSmile

also doing a whole lot of q's from any good source helps a lot. the main exam would feel like
another of the practice exams we take at home then.
be very confident....i came out of the hall ok but after about 15 days, i would get flashes of a few q's which i
thought were wrong .its ok...none of us can do all 350 q's right...right?!
i checked oasis on deewali. it said score reported and the oasis trick worked.

for a summary i would FA and goljan...notes, pics ,audio and comprehensive test.loads and loads of q's.make good use of the break time on the exam and be confident...
i don't know about 99 but these materials will definitely help you guys with a score better than mine.

wishing all of you a very very good luck.
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* Re:Attn: Hysty and Rizowana
hysty - 10/26/08 03:34

msbede...the last post is not by rizowana, she took her exam on the 29th of sept as mentioned by her own post that you copied...and her result was supposed to arrive on 21st oct....

My intention is not to say anything bad about anyone, but this is not her post and i just wanted to clarify that. Its true that she has not responded to the forum posts but that doesnt mean that we should start assuming anything we want.

I hope and pray for her good score and hopefully we'll hear from her soon.
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* Re:Attn: Hysty and Rizowana
slick - 10/26/08 11:35

hysty is right,last one is not rizowanas post.
but rizowana will get best of everything inshaallah,,she deserves that.
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* Re:Attn: Hysty and Rizowana
dr41dr - 10/26/08 13:08


She went to Bangladesh.unfortunately she did not pass.

Of course she is a very nice helping person.I really wish her best luck and hope she starts again with full spirit for her step 1 prep.
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