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The eternal question, lets revise - sg2008
A 4 yr old boy comes with the complaints of fever and headache.He has a temp of 101.8F, pulse 98/min and BP 110/60, RR 16/min.His vaccinations are upto date.He is conscious and alert.His neurological examination is nonfocal and he has neck stiffness and Kernigs and Brudzinskis signs. The rest of the examination is normal. Blood culture,CBC and CSF is sent for examination.What is the most probable diagnosis?

4.Group B Streptococcus
5.Listeria monocytogenes

Answer in next 15 min pls.
number 2
n meningitis is mcc of meningitis upto adolescence from 3 months of age....although a petechial rash in q stem should help............kindly answer.
sine petechial rash not given will change to 2
fa says 6mths to 6yrs S. pneumoniae is the most common organism
Anwer is 333...

N. Meningitidis is the most common cause of meningitis in the age group of 2 yrs to 18 yrs.
S.Pneumonniae is the organism from age 18 yrs and above and GBS is seen in neonatal meningitis.
In the age gr 1 month to 2 yrs all three are seen but S. Pneumonniae is seen in 47 %.

This answer is from UW.
I also thought that since there is no rash the etio must be Pneumococcus. But the ans given was Meningococcus.

Sorry I could not post the ans in 15 min, I take a lot of time to type.GL
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