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To Stafen/pindi let Start another thread, very imp - austinflint
Dear step 3 intellectuals, Lets start another thread.
This should be kind a tabulated presentation of all those cases that are ICU, and when these cases need to be shifted to Floor. Because there are people like me who are not yet entered into residency programs.
thERFORE we can also make a thread stating the criteria for ICU, or various settings for one particular illness.
Loos Motions
Criteria for ICU,
you have a great idea/thought..
and i had a similar though at one point too....which never went any where...
maybe the thing is that we all are at different level of prepartion..
and i think that gets in the way of getting this type of thread going...

commitment is a must!
and i am not sure if we have a bunch of people wanting to commite to giving life to this thread... at the same time..

but most definitley your idea is a good one....
Thanks a lot Pindi,
I know oindi you and stafen are now a days superflous with knowledge, thats ver respectable.
I f you just take a start, with just one case I am sure we shall get to know the pilot view. Then I am also sure Stafen shall add many points, and the things shall take the start.
So just start and open this thread Pindi, to become the opener.
thanks ..
i guess you missed the 2 cases i started today..neonatal sepsis and noenatal jaundice
current bacth of forum players seem to be more focused on mcqs...
as i said different level of preparation...

some 3 -4 weeks we had a great batch..strongdoc, jayhind, snowfoxand fari...
we aggressive in attcking any CCS case that was posted...
i hope such a batch emerges soon...

also i will recommend you to just type CCS in the search box and gain access to a wealth of CCS cases done by me and the above mentioned people...
will do what i can ... Smile
THANX PINDI I shall do that.

its a good idea!
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