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killing of >300 innocent lives in gaza strip - inspiron
hey guys this forum is not a platform for such politically- motivated discussions. We all know how pathetic these killings are and we feel terribly sorry for all those who have lost loved ones., whether they be palestines or israelis .However, it is in our own interest that we refrain from such arguments; we all know why we are here so let us all realize that simple fact , ok? RESPECT YOUR SELVES, GENTLEMEN, i beleive!
hope Obama understand this international conspiracy and stop these evil forces from killing innocent people in future. Terrorism and killing in any form must be condemned and stopped.
there is only person who has 10 - 20 different ids and nothing else to do...


these are some of his ids... he is full racist who was abducted in Kashmir by freedom fighthers in his childhood and May be was abused somehow....i feel sorry for him if any of you here do feel same way please offer your well wishes he might get some comfort and start forgetting about his childhood abuses.
on the name of palistine millions are killed across the globe, why blame isreal why not pakisthan that orchestrated killing of 200 innocent civilians in mumbai and train 160 people in train bombing and over a 1000 people of the name of religion and anyways this is not the place to discuss these issues. Pakisthn is worse than palistine
i can't believe some of you "want" to be Doctors and don't have any kind of mercy for the lives that are being lost, either side!!!!

why are we picking sides???? and just not give our prayers for the betterment and a HEALTHY world????
How are some of you guys wish to be a docotr if your judgments are clouded by your believes??

do some of you really think that you would treat a Muslim Patient safely?

Is it a quality for a Doctor? why don't you guys just join the army???
Terrorists is the leaders not the innocent people on the streets......

put your family in the same situation and then think..
in the first place: THIS IS A PROFESSIONAL FORUM...if you want to air your world-views, take them elsewhere.

secondly: get educated, reason, find out, and don't base your 'assumptions' on what people say

thirdly: you don't judge a car by it's driver. u can't blame christianity for the IRA, the vedas for the Tamil tigers, judaism for all the Shylocks, or Islam for the 'purported' 9/11 attackers. You wanna know what a religion is? read their holy texts! is Hitler or the boston 'Craigslist' killer representative of christianity? NO WAY!

...and if you're not able to tolerate differences, u don't deserve to be doctors! will u refuse to treat a killer or rapist if u get appointed as a prison doctor?

whatever religion u belong to, 'intolerance' and bigotry is definitely not a part of it!
...and Inspiron, if u want to do something for the people of Gazza, work on self-improvement, show people what an Ideal muslim is like... be an example and clear misconceptions, and if u really care, make the effort, get up before dawn, pray tahajjud, and ask Allah Ta'Ala to make us all better human beings, and to show mercy to us all.
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