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walkthrough for 2010 match - nanaki
check this, I hope this helps
Good job nanaki!

Where were you last year when I was fresh in this process? LOL!!

More people should read this, as it is not a scam/spoof, this is a hard working individual's contribution to smoothen the path of future residents!

Way to go!
Thanx a lot nanaki for such an informative post...God bless!
nanaki,thanks a lot for this excellent timeline...this is first time somebody actually explained it so well to me...I am giving step 2 cs on june 15th...score reporting date is aug 19th to sep thr any chance tht i vl get my score on aug 19th itself?? if am not certified by sep 1st and i submit my application,will my certification be updated both in CAF as well as certificate perse when i get it??a minimum of how many programs do u recommend me to apply to? my area of interest is internal medicine.plz answer my dying of tension abt getting my ecfmg certification on time..I cant give CS before june 15th..kindly reply.
to Brainstem: Yes, the reporting period starts on august 19 and it is very likely that you will get your score that day. If you are not certified by the time you submit your application, your status will be updated as soon as your scores are available on the usmle transcript. It is updated every time something changes on your score history. If you want to apply to IM, remember that there are a lot of other applicants who want to go into this area too, most people go over 50 programs easily but that is a lot of $$. I guess it depends on your budget, scores, CV, USCE. If it helps, I applied to 42 programs (I couldn't afford more than that), most people I know applied in average to 60 to 80 programs and there were some guys who went over 100. Just relax, I took CS last year on June 12 and the reporting date for it was August 6. I got my score exactly on that day, it took 3 more days for my status to be updated at OASIS and I applied as certified fortunately. You will be on time for the day ERAS opens.
Dear Nanaki

Re ECFMG certificate, after the results of CK/CS i heard that ecfmg reverifies with the medical school again before certification, u have said it takes abt a week but people say abt 4 wks, cd u throw some light here, thanks
i am planning to take CK by July , will i get the certiifcate by sept 1st,
thanks a lot
thanks nanaki..dat was very helpful and wish you all the best! :-)
Dear Nanaki

Thanks for the wonderful blog. I have certain queries. Can you please clarify.

I am an IMG from India. Graduated in 2005. Done residency here in IM for 3 years. Finished step 1 and step 2 ck. I had taken a date for CS in May but because of multiple personal issues I will be postponing my CS exams to August. If I take my CS in Aug I will get my results only on Oct 14th and as my Med school creds had been already verified I may probably be ECFMG certified by Oct 20th( if I pass CS first attempt by Gods grace). If I apply to IM on Oct 20th how many programs should I apply and will there be a chance for interviews and match in 2010 because of applying late. Or should I wait and apply for 2011 match. I dont have any USCE or US LORs.

I know asking such a question is absurd but I thought you might give me some true and valuable suggestion from your experience.
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