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q---------1 - dep
A 60-year-old alcoholic male with a long history of cigarette smoking is brought to the emergency department
after being found behind the neighborhood bar at 4 AM in freezing weather. On arrival, he is lethargic and
experiences a shaking chill. His heart rate is 106, his breathing is labored with diffuse rales, and his temperature
is 102.5 degrees Fahrenheit. His sputum is blood tinged, containing numerous gram-positive cocci which are
identified as Streptococcus pneumoniae. The man is treated with penicillin and his condition improves over the
next few days. Which of the following immune effector mechanisms was most important in completely clearing this
A. ADCC (Antibody dependent cell cytotoxicity)
B. Complement mediated opsonization
C. Cytotoxic T cell lymphocytes
D. LAK cells
E. Natural killer cells
B. Complement mediated opsonization
always complements are the most important in chemotactic and opsonization role
Super99 u r always rt,ans is B
I have confusion with option A they say ADCC occur only by NK cells which act on tumor cells and viraly infected cells but as far as i know ADCC also occur by other phagocytic cells which act on antibody coated capsulated bacteria so A can be correct?
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