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Does Hijab interfere with matching chances? - saadkanaan
why has allah orederd u all to wear all this stuff even in hot summer????? why would he want to torture his "creatures"???????
gmurad @ 20:19,

Problem, what problem..

I personally think it would be refreshing, to she the "full Hijab" complete with rubber gloves to cover the hands, leaving the eyes uncovered is ok, well it might be better if one would have the common decency to wear contacts, no reason to over excite the heathen sick beast American patients by letting them see the real color, and of course be so extra careful with head cover, that no patient animal can discern the actual length of one's hair. Less Allah plucks his eyes right from the Satan beast's head.

It's very simply actually, if Allah did not want one to wear "scarves" he would not have invented woman.
"terminator999 - 05/20/09 22:51

why has allah orederd u all to wear all this stuff even in hot summer????? why would he want to torture his "creatures"??????? "

If u belong to a religion than u shouldnt be asking this question.....however meantime look at this link..... and tell me why is she covering her head.....

and who is this ....


Allah/God......whatever u call the only one God of all of us.....just different timings and different circumstances..... time lag has lead to all the differences..... we all trace back to the same origin...

merkowitz - 05/20/09 22:38

You are exactly right, if "they" will speak honestly, Americans don't like it that people have to "scream" their religion in others faces, Americans don't like or understand the need of certain people to "advertise" their religion, especially in a professional setting. It's considered bad manners, bad taste, and unprofessional. You are right.. they won't say anything, because it is a free country. And the rights of individuals are respected enough that no one will kill them, unlike in their home countries, killing people who disagree is considered sport...

"Listening" to the writers above, before anyone commented somewhat analytically, I had thoughts of, I hope Allah don't tell one of them to blow up the hospital on some sunny day. With the mentioning of Allah suddenly it's everything is for Allah, forget the patients or medicine, or anything, this type of behavior frightens Americans, it frightens people all around the world because we have seen over and time again, how this seemingly harmless "fanaticism" (is there such a thing as harmless fanaticism, I don't know?) turns on a dime, and becomes deadly.

But a regular, ordinary, person in this country would read the first 5/6 post of this thread and think my gosh, these people are "borderline," they seem to lack rational.... If nothing matters but your religion why don't you all become Holy Men or Women, forget your patients and the sworn oath to them, and medicine one can read above and see it matters very little to yous. Where is you conviction for patients and people?? A scarf wrapped around ones ears would seem to be the least of one's worries....

Sorry if I seem a bit offesive to yous sensibilities, but it's very mild, to compare... In your countries, people die because (you) embrace killing them.... for doing the same things you are doing "right now" in this country now....THINK, about it if you can.... with out upsetting Allah...

America truly is a great place.

This is a very delicate topic. But I agree that reading the first posts on this discussion left me wonder. Why even apply for residency?....if God wants it a program will hire you even if you don't apply. Don't waste time on ERAS application just go to a mosque.

I do think that wearing a religious symbol like a scarf will definitively hurt your chances. ppl won't say anything, maybe they will not even know why you made them feel uneasy. It's like body language and it's why you should pay attention on what you wear during interviews. There are a lot of subtle signals that you are broadcasting around that very important on the first impression you will make on ppl.

And my personal belief is that God has nothing to do with your chances on getting a spot. God gave you what you need to have to get the spot but put those gifts to good use is totally up to you.
algernon @11:38,

Yes it's always a touchy subject I agree, but as in the first 5/6 post here, it becomes apparent the touchy part is on "our-side, the other side, or the out side," there is nothing touchy or subtle, about their ideas or obsessive behavior, it' quickly peals off, and shows the core, of why they won't speak up and be critical, of the extreme behavior of Muslims, in the name of Islam, around the world. And worse, their own country, they quietly hope the Taliban wins, or at the very least "embraces" what they the extremist do, as they impose the "kind, just, open, accepting, laws of Islam" on all.... And once done, they are oh so happy to kill anyone who disagrees. That includes the educated classes, such as many of them that are here on this forum.

There are (no moderates) when it comes to criticizing the behavior of no matter how (extreme) brother's of Islam.

That's why I think the above writers, are just a dangerous as the extreme, they never criticize, they simply quietly embrace, the terroristic policy of Taliban law. And one day will be sending their money to support them. They are in America now, and they clearly see it's an open, and tolerant society, and offers them a better life than they ever dreamed of in their own countries, but they, get together at parties and ridicule and run down the things that they themselves have strived so hard for, opportunity, and relative freedom of lifestyle.

But on the inside it keeps cooking quietly, and insidiously, that Good Muslims Kill.. all who don't agree with them. And they pretend to accept, this, that, and the other... but they don't, and if and when, the environment so allows, they will strike, hard fast and deadly....

There are no Moderate Muslims. Period....


@ jerkowitz @bombaylulla @ exterminator

hi guys all nicks of same racist person right?? well let me answer you about this....

Same like you are one coward racist...hiding and expressing your racial propaganda when the president of USA himself is African american Barack HUSSAIN Obama..... HUSSAIN is the name from the grandson of Holy Prophet PBUH.... and then same President appointed first Muslim Lady into the WHite House for first time in the history of USA and she works in WHIte HOuse Wearing HIJAB......coz its her free choice and free will......

A veiled Muslim woman at the White House? As impossible as that may sound, Dalia Mogahed, a young Muslim of Egyptian origin, has been appointed as a member of the Advisory Council on Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships in President Barack Obama™s administration.
The new tenant of the Oval Office, himself the greatest surprise of the year 2008, on 5 February signed an executive decree establishing a Faith Based and Neighbourhood Partnerships office at the White House.
Religiously veiled, Dalia Mogahed is indeed the first American Muslim of Arab descent to enter the White House every morning with an Islamic headscarf to advise a United States President. Without a doubt, this is an affront to puritanical America, where all things touching Islam or Muslims is considered a taboo. It is also a beautiful lesson of tolerance and of recognition just handed by Obama to France about merit, in particular where the wearing of the veil was forbidden, including in schools.
Expressing her joy, Dalia Mogahed said she is "proud to be the first Muslim to enter the White House". She is now a full member of the advisory panel of religions, known as the Faith Based and Neighbourhood Partnerships. The committee is composed of 25 other people from different faiths.

Expressing her joy, Dalia Mogahed said she is "proud to be the first Muslim to enter the White House". She is now a full member of the advisory panel of religions, known as the Faith Based and Neighbourhood Partnerships. The committee is composed of 25 other people from different faiths.

She is senior analyst and executive director of the Gallup Center for Muslim Studies. The young woman commands respect by virtue of her talent, which she generously exposes in the pages of the Gallup Institute™s publication.
Her book: Who speaks for Islam, re-edited and published by the prestigious Harvard University™s Harvard International Review, appears to have caught President Obama™s eye.

"Dalia Mogahed is the best example of a successful Muslim woman. She proves that the Muslim should be successful in all fields, at least in [her] area of specialization," a commentator wrote on the website of the independent daily Al Masry al Youm in Egypt.

The Egyptian-born Mogahed moved with her family to the United States almost 30 years ago. Recently, she co-wrote the book "Who Speaks for Islam?"

Then who the shit are you racial noob who wants to spread racism over here?? I have had enuff of your bullshits time for you to pack your rags and get to your senses you filthy dumb sick noob with no life.....
Welldone Merkowitz,Paki are losers for life. Jia India.
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