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opening snap and ejection - got2study2pass
so why do these occur. is it when the valve opens. why are these sounds coming.
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Opening Snpa Murmure.......Mitral Stenosis
Ejection Murmure................Aortic Stenosis
Click Murmure....................Mitral Prolapse
yes, but cud u tell me why they happen. is it bec of difficulty opening the valves.
Aortic Stenosis - Ejection Click

When blood comes out of Left Ventricle to Aorta you need to have higher pressure in LV than Aorta (remember blood flows high to low pressure) the Aorta can be ruined by the things mentioned below, making it harder for the LV to attain that pressure and when it does, the Aorta forcefully opens making that CLICK! This all happens in systole.

IE/ Calcification of valve cusps restricts forward flow; forceful ejection from ventricle into systemic circulation. Caused by congenital bicuspid valves, and rheumatic heart disease.

Mitral Stenosis - Opening Snap

Happens During Diastole (when VENT is about to be filled) The same thing happens here with the pressure, the LV has a higher pressure and the RV has to get up to that level which causes that snap sound. here are the ways it can be damaged for Mitral Stenosis

Narrowed valve restricts forward flow; forceful ejection into ventricles. Caused by rheumatic fever or cardiac infection.

Mitral Valve Prolapse

It is a congenital defect just think of a parachute it causes a heart sound called Mid Systolic Click, the pressure from Aortic Valve opening causes a rebound balooning in of this valve making a sound in Mid systole.

Correct me if im wrong pleaseeeeee

Hope this helps
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