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ccs doubt-ptosis or anyone help - respi3
in case of MI shud we send the patient to PCI asap or do a bit late?coz if we do pci may be case might end without doing much to the patient.....when can we order it?confused..

thank u
if you follow the protocol and work up the patient in the right order and doing all the necessary investigations and starting all the drugs, then u can order pci and cardiology consult. if u prematurely order it, it will definitely close the case, however, it may not get the credit for the case.
thank you..
it depend on the case
in mi case when u order ekg and move the clock, if u see st elevation mi, u have 2 option, either u do pci if pt come within 90 min or u use thrombolytics if its more than 90 min but less than 12 hrs, so u can use pci, so what case ends in 2 min, u will get credit......
thanks nimish
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