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7methylG capping in nucleus or cytopolasm - laiba07
according 2 fa &kaplan it,s in nucleus but uw said it,s in cytoplasm what,s correct
i thought it was in nucleus
bc it gets spliced in cyto from pre-mrna to mrna
capping--- one of the post transcriptional modification process

has 2 steps'

1st.....>addition of GTP--

GTP+ 5'end of mRNA------by Guanayl tranferase......>5'guanasine cap--occurs in NUCLEUS


methylation+5'G.cap---by guanasine 7 methyl transferase(SAM).....>5'methylated guanasine cap....occurs in CYTOPLASM..
thanx ksstep ,dr bkc where can i find this cytoplasmic posttrascriptional modificationb/c my concept was transcription completed in nucleus and translation occur in cytoplasm .found alternative splicing eg variants of tropomyosin &troponin,synthysis of memb bound Ig vs secreted Ig, DAreceptor i n brain made from 1 gene(kaplan bio chapter 3)
u can see ..lippincot biochem..

add one more Example for alternative splicing product s FIBRONECTIN
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