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Fight racism - gomora

I was extremely mad when I see malignant program list
It has been 2 yrs since I came to US .I have seen good people ( I mean whites ) and also some racists
I have been computing for research that focuses in TB. As coming from endemic country and great experience in Dx and Management of TB ,my hope of getting that position was great but thanks to racist MD she put one white medical student who I suppose never see tuberculosis at all
No, Accept this fact, US grads/students will get preference over other even if their creds are low.
No it is not. Is their country. They will hire you if they need you. Apparently, they didn't...
knowing how to treat TB does not make you expert in TB research.
there is racism but i see it the other way.. they r still a very tolerant country if u take into consideration how they accept people from all countries , they give us almost every opportunity..
how many countries do u know including our own which welcomes people from other countries for white collar jobs in their country??
your thinking preceeds you. If you think that the fact that you did not get what you wanted makes the other person a racist, then your thinking preceeds you. I am a foreigner like you, and no country is more liberal than America. That is exactly why we are here. In India, for example, a southern Indian does not feel at home in North India. There you would not expect any iota of fairness. I am sorry that I chose India as an example. This is applicable to other countries. Our thinking preceeds us. Fight racism, fight yourself first.
Dear friend, I know your pain. As an IMG myself, I have been living in this country for 10 years.Like anyone else of the first generation of immigrants, we go through all the pain of implanting into a new soil. But, who invited you to come here? Why do you think you should get everything you want? I ask myself many times.

Going through all the pain, I still believe that America is a dreamland. You are given chance to success in your area. I am facing lay-off, but I do not have any intention to blame for racism. It's quite normal under such ecomonic condition. The same thing happens to american people.

Try to overcome difficulties, we still have chance to success!
guys i really appreciate your advice now i see that i was wrong.
i have accepted what you guys have said
thanks alot
gomora, don't get so frustrated and angry.

America still gives us a chance, unlike many other countries.
America will still give you an opprotunity unlike the Canada and the UK where racism is of such a refined type they have made it into an art.

America should always prefer its own over outsiders, but at least if you are born there, they will treat you as an american over outsiders.

America has its faults, but at least it is giving us a chance, something no one else has given us.

And the day I get my residency and I can support my family, I will never forget what America gave me, it gave me hope.
everybody makes mistake .I have confessed that i WAS WRONG
and I SHOULD not expect things to be perfect .As you all said In America i have better future
even now what i am earning is ten times that i was earning as GP in my country
If u were US medical grad of African, Hispanic or Asian origin, they would have given it to u even if there was a white IMG from Europe, Australia or Canada...

Would that then also be a racism? What do u think?
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