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After 2 years of residency in the US - usmleprisoner
ab9...when you said h1b, obgyn and crime capital did you mean Detroit and Wayne State???
Sad Is it really bad there? Why did you leave? I know they are on probation but still what made you do that??
I believe everything you say, it is very true, different people take different packages, I hope things get better for you once you have a family of your own in the states then you will be happy.
I know bronx lebanon is garbage, whether IM or pediatrics...their chairman sucks..
Most of what usmleprisoner writes is true, but hey who doesn't want dollars??? Residency is not easy in the US but also it isn't in any other part of the world. The main thing here is the MONEY. Education is also a part of it but when you fall in places where usmleprisoner is it just doesn't matter.

The Mighty Dollar, hey, it doesn't get any better than this. And (nothing) else matters.
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