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To Duloxetine, john2007, medclass - belibi
I invite you to deliver constructive criticism to my work and leave personal attacks aside.

If you are not satisfied by the work I have done on the current best IMG book published outthere, please write a better book and I will support you.

So far, I have read all the books published on IMGs, noone has been able to match with the IMG Best Hope. The book still needs improvements, i recognize that, but I feel like you have brought the conversation to personal attacks. There is no need for hatred.

I see that John 2007 is looking to know more about me, he can go to the University of Colorado website. There is even a picture of me there, the only black in the department.
He can also look at my more recent publications with Dr. Edelstein from the University of Colorado, about diagnosis of ADPKD and perform a better google search along with pubmed search.

I believe we should be more unified as IMGs. We may disagree but we should work together to make things better for IMGs. This kind of divide is not gonna help anybody.

As the husband of an allergist in private practice in Denver and nephrologist myself, I don't think I will ever dream of being broke for the rest of my life.

What I do with IMGs, is not about money because money my wife and I will make one way or the other in our respective professions.

Unfortunately, because of my professional occupations, I have more free time on week-ends than on weekdays, that may explain a higher degree of activity on my part on week-ends.

I do not just come here to advertise, I provide guidance.

I do pay for advertisement in other venues, this forum conceptually does not prohibit advertisement and many other advertisers do advertise on a daily basis here but for some reasons you have made me your target and that is okay as long as we all stay professional.

Dr. Belibi
belibi when will you get the point that i am not against your book. i am against your viral ad campaign. that too not so much as a matter of ethics as it is a matter of total ennui. meaning, we get bored with every of your answer ending with 'as i have said in the best hope' or 'buy the best hope for further details'.

many of your responses are infact good, and i welcome them. i only want you to stop you mentioning your book at the end of everything.

that will be all.

OH and about contribution- we all contribute in our own way, and dont end our contribution with an ad.
guess you are back belibi. funny. no disrespect tho.
i agree with duloxetine. Dr. Belibi I havent gotten personal with you at all. What I dont like is how you are marketing your book. There are better ways of doing it. More noble ways.
The only thing I am suggesting time and time again is to give us a preview of the book. Just a few pages. We need to see it bro and judge for ourselves.
i actually wanted to read your book to see what really makes you so proud. but the price was prohibitive belibi. that is another thing i hold against you. 50 dollars for a book ! that's quite something. if you lower your price, then maybe we will read it. if you want your book to be read, lower yr price. for people like us, every buck is 70-80 buck in our homeland. that means your book costs 4-5000 bucks for us. We have never bought any book that expensive. We bought Davidson for 1800 bucks (our currency), Bailey for 3200 bucks. Why would we buy your book for 5000 ?? if its for IMGs, it should be a bit cheaper, dont you think.

we even didnt enter Kaplan but read the leftovers of others, coz we couldnt afford 5000 bucks for a kaplan course. we couldnt afford an externship, so we did an observership. do you get the point ?

else it would be the most expensive book i ever bought.

here is my point and I don't mean to say that I am right.

Many people don't have the knowledge that you have and dream of having a material like my book to help them. I understand that you know enough that it is borthersome for you to read my post mentioning my book.

On this forum there are new people every day. Yourself sometimes get annoyed because you answered a question like the day before and someone comes back and ask the same question. you know better than I do that many people here are new. If you don't let them know of what is outthere they will not know.

I don't force anyone to buy the book I let them know that the book can help.

I think your level of tolerance is just a little too low and you have decided to fight my advertisement style.

You said you have nothing against my book but you made a point to post a neg review and never posted the positive ones.

People respect your opinion on this forum tremendously, i have seen many ask for your advice.

I think you should be more careful about the words you use because they don't go unnoticed.

Many people e-mail me every day to acknowledge the fact that the book and my advice have helped them, that is why I do what I do.

Again, I am not perfect, but i don't think it helps anybody if we spend more time fighting each other rather than providing advice to the people who need advice.

There are people who advertise on this forum and leave their e-mail and website addresses everyday and don't get the same treatment as i the one I get from you guys on this forum, even though I contribute more freely.

If you decide to fight advertisers, I believe you should be fair and also fight the other ones.

I just want to remind you that this forum is the highest rated forum because of the kind of information people can get here and because the moderators have decided to make advertisement free here.

Dr. Belibi
hey belibi, PEACE.

just tone down your ad. and your price.

Alright buddy, your post will not go unnoticed, I will work on pricing and will ton down advertisement.

Have a great week-end

Dr. Belibi
duloxetine : GR8 JOB!! HATS OFF!!
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