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should i just stop, cz blues all around! - supermd22
DearDocs- its just getting harder and harder to breathe; am an old grad and in my 30s, yes i am; it took me a while to get on this journey for the usmle(due to certain personal pb earlier, xculdnt focus0 , anyways i have cleared cs and step 1, now i have ck to go , although i have failed it before , and after a melt down and a breakdown , am back on this road to give ck again. am financially down(very low in funds) no job , and cant even find one, esp p/t; and to make matters worse my ex-bf decideds to see me and be friends with me( friend with benefit, how dare he i thought, afterall he broke up withme and decided to marry someone else) and he is married. i initially turned him away, but he was persisten and i told him lets just be friends only, but that only hurts me more cz it just brings bad memories back. so amin a dilemma now , even am not speaking to him and all, i cant seem to focus back on my exam prep. maybe its just me being lonely , having no friends, a whole day is becoming difficult for me to go on with. plz help as i dont wanna go into some deep/clinical depression. u guys and this forum is the only source of some comfort for me,,,,, i dont have much to contribute in terms of studying as am struggling and trying to put things togather,,, but plz i dunno what to do, am crying/praying but nothing is working and i have constant thoughts of the life i couldve/shouldve had. sorry for the length but i just needed to say all thisl outloud, i have parents and sib, but i have stressed them out too, cz of my problems(which dont seem to end).
waiting for this too shall pass!
thanx for listening/advising/cmfrting and relating if u could
we all have prblms,,we shd try our best to get out of them,,family membrs are the ones we shd turn to,wat ever we do,i feel they are the ones who wil stand for us..why are u hurting urself by talking to ex,,just forget abt him and 1 prblm is down,talk to ur loved ones and concentrate on studies,,u r done with step 1 which is most difficult and also u r done with CS(heard many IMGs flunk) now that u r only left with CK u shd be happy,,think next yr by this time u wil be in hospi doing residency,dream abt it..infact for me ur prblems appear very smal,my mom is diagnosed with ovarian cancer while i was preparing fr step 1,she went through hell undergoing all sorts of treatments,though she fine now daily i pray God that she shd be fine...just struggle fr few more mnths u wil be happiest person i bet you.all the best
Well i am sorry to hear your story......but i think you should listen to some other people's story ....USMLE is not a cakewalk(although many people believe that exam is very easy--especially in my home country.......) I have seen may people battling with their problems while giving exam and i may seem little harsh but i believe your problem is nothing compare to those....just plunk up yourself...see around....and let me tell you only crying and praying wont is time you introspect and decide it is time to move on.....even after your ck is done let me tell you it is just beginning....SCROLL AROUND YOU WILL FIND MANY 99ERS EVERY better decide what you want to do?crying and praying wont help......GOD ONLY HELP THOSE WHO HELP THEMSELVES....DONT EXPECT GOD HELP YOU WITH ALL YOUR PROBLEMS.....HE HAS ALSO HIS OWN PROBLEMS AND BIGGER PRAYERS TO ANSWER HE IS TOO BUSY FOR USMLE PEOPLE NOWADYAS(THIS IS IN REGARD TO EARTH QUAKE IN HEITY)....complaining and whining wont help much,,,,read ....take part in discussion on this forum.....go through 1 step at a time.....IT IS GOING TO BE A LONG JOURNEY....YOU CAN TAKE A LITTLE REST BUT YOU CANT LOOK BACK...OTHERWISE YOU WILL REACH NOWHERE AND STUCK IN THE MIDDLE....AS FAR AS I KNOW U HAVE GIVEN STEP 1 SO NO LOOKING BACK....JUST WORK HARD....AS ABRAHAM LINCOLN ONCE SAID "I WILL PREPARE AND SOMEDAY MY TIME WILL COME"(and i am pretty sure about it)
dear doctors- thanx so much for taking time and responding, i surely agreew ith u guys, i just needed to vent and get a reality chk that the decisions am making if they r right. mleone-am so sorry to hear abt your mom, may GOD give you, your mom and your family strength, and God bless.
pursuit of99- thanx for the reality chk again,,,,u r right and i personally do believe in the help oneself and all,,,,, but i guess weak moments just had gotten the best of me. God bless u both in your future endeavors and thanx again for being genuine, kind folks.
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