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another exam experience - hehadoc
hi guys. i did my test last friday 8th, in guatemala city and i delayed my experience trying to take a little rest.
i must say that the test is variable in terms of difficulty of the different blocks. i remember clearly the first 2 blocks as the complete darkness for me. in some q´s i didn´t know what to choose...then the next blocks were more doable and the last 2(mostly the last one) were easier than i expected(despite the tiredness). definetively i have no idea how i did. i cannot remember the q´s as many of you can(i don´t know how it is possible) but i can say that the test have q´s from all the subjects . probably surgery is less tested than the rest, but it has a considerable amount of q´s from all subjects, not only internal medicine.
in general, i don´t know the possible result. i have to wait like all of you...let´s see what happens...
best of luck buddy. how much of step 1 was tested on your exam?(if u can remember!!!)
yes. i had some step 1 q´s but they are very few. as i remember, there was 2 or 3 q´s touching topics from step 1. i think we should not worry about this q´s, since they don´t represent the gross of the test, but as i have thought always, i think it is better to do step 1 before step 2..
Thanks 4 thinking on us!
Never heard 4 the post-exam experience like - "I™ve done it great!" & more they complain more they get at the end. Funny but it™s pretty common.
Probably you™ll be in that same group of 90-ies! I wish you that!
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