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give me a moment plz - star28
hi every one in this new in this forum,,i did my step 1 in oct 2004,unfortunately my score was 78,,i was really depressed ,due 2 some domestic problem i couldnt continue my studies,,n now again i collected my self n want 2 run in this race,u guys plz help me 2 start my study,,how should i plan my studies,,what 2 read ,,i wish 2 get a good score now,,thanks in anticipation
Lemme first congratulate you on being able to overcome whatever problems u might be having. The fact that you have decided to "run in the race" has already made you a winner!!!
You will need atleast 4 months (if u r working as well), 685$, access to kaplan tapes/dvd/cd(not all that necessary but will be a useful adjunct), KAPLAN NOTES(my 1st choice), usmleworld qbank for step2 ck, kaplan q bank(optional). This is the basic recipe.
What result you will ahve at the end is not in my scope of speculation
Agree w/ Simonsez
(well I can™t comment the values of the video lectures coz haven™t seen them. But even just the notes alone look pretty decent source)!
Wish you all the best Star28!
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