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i really hate this exam!!!!!!!!! - sumakshi




cool down sumakshi..every1 goes thru this phase...its hard to sit back & study...but if u do it over the other end is lot greener that what is now for u...hope u get excellent score

best of luck
Hey Sumakshi, I thought like you 10 years before and I relaxed and enjoyed life and now, here I am , after wasting those precious years with fresh young brain in a healthy young person, finally struggling hard to ace these exams within limitations of family, stress and health concerns.
Because even after 10 years, my mind tells me this is what I want to do, eventhough I know it is more struggle now than before.
So, do it now,so that you wont regret later for not doing it.
@ Sumakshi
I hate this exam.... But I love this study...
I never liked studying as much as I am liking now.
In my whole student life... I was a last bencher, failed several exam and laugh after failing Smile
So love what you read... as if it is your best friend... so, you will hate the exam but you cannot hate studying.

Good luck to you Smile
lol drock, i always tried to like reading about the shitty bacterial lac operon, histidne attenuation gene regulation, zinc fingers and leucine zippers ( or probably vice versa Smile) ), but i couldnt succeed in liking them.. Smile, so any advise on how to? lol..

anyway, sumakshi, u will never have a stress FREE life... stress is part of the life.. its wat drives us all to do everything we can in order to overcome it, thinking, foolishly, though its very helpful, that after we are done with that ''stress period'' we will get a ''free of stress'' life.. which is not true, cuz we will soon, again, start another fight to overcome a new stress..
so the moment that we begin living a stress free life, its the same moment that we actually stop living in this earthly life.. Smile
haha .. drock ...
er12 I can't agree more, u explained my pain in simple words.
There is just no way I am going remember so much on the day of the exam!!!!.....I dont understand how people r getting 99s here!!!....and that too people are saying that three digit scores of the 99 shud also be high!!!.....To me it feels like a mountain to even hit 90!!!!....But what I really hate is studying the basic sciences is so dull material...once we learnt it we cant read it again!!!!....Its frustrating....I find excuses to escape studying a lot these days!!!...I dont know what has gotten into me!!!.....Any event going on and I wanna be there....just becoz it will take me away from studies!!!...But then I always have to come back!!! otherwise I wont pass even!!....what the hell!!!....Even the gym has become my favorite place becoz of usmle....becoz it gives me an escape from studies!!!....but i just checked myself...last week i went to the gym twice a day!!!.....and I was one of those people who would go to the gym for like 1-2 times in ten days!!!!.....This exam is really screwing me up!!! and I hate every second for it!!!...and the more i keep avoiding it the longer its gonna take!!!
Im the same damn way. Yesterday was countdown to my exam. I have 2 weeks, and yesterday I spent half the day "reorganizing my closet" WTF? I donated like half my closet....lmao. Damn I want those cute shoes back!!! LMAO.

Yeah Im studying my weakest subjects, and by the life of me...I want to just rip the f***** cerebellum, and all that crap in the stupid brain! ERRRRR!!!

The only thing I can tell myself is that these last 2 weeks its CRUNCH time, which means hell for 2 weeks, then 4-6 weeks of gaining an ulcer to see if I passed. lol. This crap is a mind game and I suck at it. I dont remember S*** and I am not EVEN TRYING TO GET A FREAKING 99....I JUST WANT TO FREAKING PASS!!!! Is that too much to ask for? LOL

Check out my post "Am I the only idiot not wanting a 99?" Anyways, keep your head up! Ive had to make a back up plan just in case I fail. So that way it wont be as such a shock. Anyways, PRAY for the best, and just know that all your hard work WILL PAY OFF in the end.

@ sumakshi
I think I know what you are going through cause I recently in that phase of my life as well.
I wrote my exams yesterday but can you imagine, the night before I watching celtics vs Lakers.
I couldn't be bothered during the game but afterwards- adrenaline, palpitations, almost had a heart attack.

Nonetheless, like the guys have been saying, its only a phase. You have to get over that phase and move on to a more constructive frame of mind. Its part of the training for MDs Smile!!
Its okay to ask your family for money for now, since after you pass the exams and complete a program, you'll be the one shelving out the green right?
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