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46 yr old man is admitted - thrombolyser
sorry , something wrong with my internet, first it's not working , i tried several times, then appeared one after another.
All physicians have a moral obligation to provide continuity of care for their patients. Itis not appropriate to withdraw or discontinue patient care in the middle of a hospitalization or during an acute ongoing medical treatment. All physicians have the option to choose who they want to serve; however, once they are involved in a case, they should not neglect the patient. If a physician wishes to withdraw from a case, he can do so if he provides the patient or the caregivers a notice long in advance so as to sufficiently permit the transfer of medical care to another physician. In the above vignette, the gastroenterologist is already involved with the patient™s care since he has already performed the procedure. He can opt to withdraw from the patient™s case only if there is another gastroenterologist willing to assume patient care responsibility.
(Choices A and B) Asking the physician to withdraw without securing another gastroenterologist for the patient is not appropriate.
(Choice C) The patient™s behavior should certainly be documented in the chart; however, this does not provide sufficient grounds for withdrawal in the middle of the treatment.
(Choice D) As described above the physician can withdraw from the case if another gastroenterologist is willing to assume the patient care responsibility.
nice one
E is d ans
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