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documents to carry...... - ohare
one of the programs asked me that i should get these docs to the interview

medical diploma
copy of visa
ecfmg certificate
deans letter

any other things to carry along with these..any inputs...guys...............!
i mean in general any other dcuments to carry b4 i leave for my interviews......for that matter any one of us...also i dont want to carry unnecessary stuff n inc my load..
Usually programs dont ask to review your documents on IV days...if a programs wants them for whatever reason they should let you know.

As an addition I would recommend carrying your updated CV/resume as that is something that can be asked for.

Carry a copy of all of these documents in a flashdrive. In your black portfolio bring a maxim magazine to kill time and find some jokes
thanks guys
take also a gun, if the interview doesn't go well, you slowly take it out and make sure they make it go well
take also a set of preset questions, hand it to them and tell them thats the question they are supposed to ask you. never lose sight of them and never put down your gun, they are well prepared and may reach for their own
haha sure qwery
honestly, email or call the PC and ask them if you need to bring anything at all. I had my first IV and did the same thing and the PC told me that whatever 's needed should've been sent through ERAS, so i happily carried just my handbag while the others toted around big fat portfolios, and anyway, you can always fax/secan n email stuff later. One PC sent me a mail asking me to either scan/e-mail her the documents or bring copies to the IV, and i just e-mailed her all the stuff she needed.
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