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beware of applicants from pakistan - lance_armstrong
Honestly, i'm sick and tired of these applicants from Pakistan. They are the worst kind of people on this mother earth. They are a menace to the society. They are a bunch of fake, nasty people who just want to get the hell out of their country filled with mortars and bombs.

Program directors, please do not get fooled by these applicants from Pakistan. Have your radar on!! Do not let your program suffer by letting these liers in. By all means, use all the possible resources to screen out these fake personalities.

yetrai siti!
may I laugh at this, with your permission, dr.armstrong?
I don't want to be racist but I totally agree with lance_armstrong. So many terrorists are faked in the form of physician. If they can get access to high quality of training here, what'll the world gain?? They just gain another various methods of bioharzardous weapons, resource for health to fight with democracy, more tremendous and quiet methods of killing, etc. I can't see the benefits and advantages of giving the chance to these Pak (is it the race of little dog??). Why PD should provide these invaluable opportunities to them.

Actually, we should write letter to all PDs to re-contemplate about this issue and set the policy to discard Pak applicants out like filters. This should be the best way to screen them out. Terrorist, terrorist and terrorist...F**K you all including Afganist as well. Is this harder process we're getting through not become from the crisis of 9/11??? Back to nearly 10 years ago, you guys with superb credentials like this should be matched in Yale, Harvard or at least Southwestern, not mediocre and low level program community like this. All these hard things we are facing were the aftermatch from these terrorists. They are nothing but garbage on the ground that can make pedestrian stumble on.
All cock sucking foreign doctors must leave ! you are a collection of faggets from the sewer countries of the world.
kahala, are you native?? please contemplate yourself because FMG is filtered by your complicated process thaat we're the best, not the crap who is just luckily enough for being born in USA or trained in USA. If you're native here but still can't get Ivy league, please please and please consider how suck you are.55555555555555555. You're just lucky not smart enough to be a doctor in any corner of the world.
i wish PDs read your post and track you guys down, and give you residency in Yale,Harvard etc so you get 99% of patients from ethnicities other than yours to care for,for whom you deep down have only and only hate.
you guys are soo awesome, despite being from the most noble medical profession you have so much hate for humans, and you are here for residency in america, a multi-multi etnic country. i wonder what wil you do to pakistani and muslim patients you encounter here, if by mistake you got into residency here,that i hope wont happen.
now i got that its because of people like you that we indians are finding it hard to get matched,its because PDs think of all indians to be haters like you and they dont want to risk their patients safety.

i was wondering why pakistanis didnt get offended and start a fight over here, because they know you did the job for them. you proved them innocent, peace loving physicians and yourself a hate-monger.

Thank you all for defaming indians to be the one always starting with a hate filled racist post spitting venom against other fellow humans
it shows how tolerant,peace loving we are. PDs will take the impression that we will always behave like this,a pain in as* provoking offending our colleagues from other ethnicities, spread disharmony, make the hospital environment a hell, and above all may even kill our patients out of hate as we simply cant control it, if we can speak and promote hate on a public forum like this, we are simply hate all over and nothing else.


thanks dude, not for your comments but because you not an indian Smile
you did it for your country men..the good job. LOL
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