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Burn patient-renal system - harrisonusmle
A 23-year-old boy is in a fire and sustains burns over 30% of his body. The next day, his serum urea nitrogen (BUN) is 30 mg/dL and his serum creatinine is 0.8 mg/dL. He receives intravenous fluids throughout his course and never has a significant drop in blood pressure or urine output. Which of the following most likely accounts for his BUN and creatinine values?


A. Decreased renal perfusion

B. Distal urinary tract obstruction

C. Increased synthesis of urea

D. Renal glomerular disease

E. Renal tubule interstitial disease

A I guess
B. Distal urinary tract obstruction
1 bun: creat =30/.8=30 approx..... ARF

As pt"s blood pressure & urine output did not fall, so this rules out

A. which can lead to ARF.

B. which can result due to myoglobinurea.

I think C. makes more sense ... burn pt. go into catobolic state & negative nitrogen balance leading to inc production of Urea.


BUN/Creat >20 = pre renal azotemia due to decreased renal perfusion (hypotension)
hey as BP and UO are nt dropped we r/o A so its cc
Large amounts of extracellular fluid will be sequestered in the burn area and are lost through the damaged skin, which no longer acts as a barrier to fluid loss. In addition to hypovolemic shock (which is common in these patients), low vascular volume leads to poor kidney perfusion and subsequent renal failure – a common sequence in patients receiving inadequate fluid replacement. In the case of severe electric burns, muscle involvement may result in coagulation necrosis leading to severe myo-globinuria. The myoglobin has a toxic effect on the renal tubules and can cause renal failure. There is also a high incidence of infection with myoglobinuria and major burn due to low body resistance.
A is the answer


In burn patients, especially in severe burns, the rate of protein breakdown and amino acid oxidation increases to almost 50% more than in healthy individuals.
That accounts for the elevation in level of urea in this patient.

nice question, psych
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