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Is it alright to contact current residents ? - ativan
To get feedback about the proram and get suggestions about iv prep?
Hi ativan,

How was Your IV at Monmouth Nj?Did you get any response to thank you email.

To answer to your question I guess it is ok to get feedback from the current residents regarding the program.
I was ived by one faculty at Manmouth . There were about 10 -12 candidates on the day of my iv. Some candidates were ived by the pd and assistance pd and were asked medical questions.
There were no medical questions for me ...questions about my medical school, life in the islands ( Iam carri grad), clinical experience, my strength and weakness, where do I see myself in 5 years.
Received a generic response to my thank you letter. Do have an upcoming iv or already ived there? If so what kind of response did you get for your thank you letter?
It's ok to contact the current resident. Only do so if you think the appropriated your company during iv. Most of the time they have nothing to do about the selection process. Only CR might pull some strings.
there is nothing wrong with contacting the current residents though most likely they will not be able to help u much.
Why obsessed with 'man-mouth'? Sorry, couldn't resist!! I promised to behave..I'll stick to that! About the topic, I'll agree with meddoc7!
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