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About the Scramble... - julestx
It has been said "prepare for the Match as if you'll Match, then when all you can do has been done, prepare for the Scramble as if you'll have to Scramble...just in case"

In light of that, I what I want to know, is how do hundreds or thousands of unmatched people GET THROUGH to any particular program, when all the telephone lines and fax lines are sure to be busy with competition from others?

I am aware of how the scramble works. I have also read that you should have friends help you, have extra phone and fax lines at hand, and your list of programs to call and fax your apps to. But take the scenario where a friend is on the phone calling program A, and you are on the other line calling program B...when one of you gets through, do you just slam down the other phone and rush to speak with the line that rang through? Also, if hundreds are trying to call/fax a program, wouldnt the odds be that you just CANNOT get through to the program? And isnt it sort of a 'first come, first served' basis at that point?

So aside from descriptions of how the process works (because its listed in various places and I'm aware of that) please talk about how people ACTUALLY get through and get a spot during the Scramble! Thanks very much for any info you can share :-)
I hate to tell you this but among all the people I know, NOBODY managed to get a position by scramble.
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