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If you need free help on Personal Statements... - drbrian
Hi! I posted earlier about a free Personal Statement I've offered to host online this coming Thursday, June 30th (unfortunately the info seems to have been deleted by admins).

If you are interested in attending:

1) google : the usmle zone
2) click on Webinars and select Personal Statement

Again, this is free, with available slots filled on a first come, first serve basis. If you have any questions, you can post it in this thread.
wat time?
It's scheduled to begin at 10am EST.
Quick Update:

Invites for this Thursday's Personal Statement Session have been sent out this morning :0)

For those attending, I'm considering using samples of your personal statements to review and use as teaching tools during the class. If you already have a draft of your statement written, please email it to theusmlezone, attn: my ps sample.

Looking forward to working with you all on Thursday!
Best Wishes,
I did not get invite.
i like to join,my email
radhat (your screen name sounds so familiar...)

Did you follow the instructions above to post a comment with email on the usmle zone? I can't seem to find your name there.

I'll add your name to the invite list, provided the class isn't at full capacity yet (we were at 22 as of this morning).

ppl, with all respect, plz DO NOT share ur personal info on a public is wht some member went 2 cent as a learning point. good luck to all of u....
remeber...u dont need some one dictate for ur ps or else....just ask a native to help u out and save couple of is safe, one shares ur story with others for $$...
for interview:do the same thing u did for cs exam...get some of ur frnds practice face to face ot in phone...try to play u see here...this Dr Brian and his band(if not himself or herself) made lots of stress for some ppl who trust them....and then locked the it, s no one cud bump it and then the link was removed.

Good luck

* Dr B @ meeting with 26+ Program Directors Today
drmariapau - 12/08/09 09:38

If you are an alumni/former student of Dr B & the past IV Seminars:

Dr B was invited to speak at a big conference in Long Island, NY today. There are 26+ Program Directors from various specialties across the NYC region convening as part of a Grand Round for the region. I am with him there now & he is about to speak (it's 9:30am now) and will be talking to many of them until the early afternoon.

If you have an interview at a program in NYC already (either past or coming up) that you plan on RANKING 1, 2 or 3 (please, no 4 or higher rank hosp) & would like a special mention or push, please email your the AAMC, your FULL name & the program/specialty you are applying (and of course, the date of IV).

Before 12 noon please. After that I won't be able to check mail.

Dr B has already pulled for some students, but we thought this morning on the way here that we can do more with everyone in one place.

Email: , attn: PD Conference

~ Dr Maria Pau, Academic Director, Mission: Residency
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* ReBig Grinr B @ meeting with 26+ Program Directors Today
imgspouse - 12/08/09 09:54

Goood morning all.

Dr. Pau, I see your point of posting for Dr. B's alumni / former students; but here is my question to you. I am not one of Dr. B's students, but an IMG who is hoping to make it to a program. Can you please make a special mention or "push" for my application, push not into the dustbin but for a residency position.

I mean, common, this is ridiculous of you to post this sort of message on the forum. This is unethical advertisement for Dr. B. I have heard his webcast, and it is full of sensible and good advice and that's all fine, but this sort of ad on his behalf for your IMG missionary zeal is very unfortunate.

If you actually wanted to contact the former students and talk of a mission to help IMGs, how come you do not maintain a database of their contact info or email IDs. Why can you not send them an email (and Bcc if you are bothered about their privacy)?

So, lets take a scenario, PD has a choice between ranking me or one of Dr. B's alumni and because of your "push", PD throws my application away. So, my fault is then that I did not enroll or was not Dr. B's student right?

What is this? Is the the formation of a cult? How do you intend to justify your posting of this self serving ad?
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* ReBig Grinr B @ meeting with 26+ Program Directors Today
drnishu - 12/08/09 10:53

this guy is becoming second Dr. Belbi and have started annoying people in the forum.

"If you have an interview at a program in NYC already (either past or coming up) that you plan on RANKING 1, 2 or 3 (please, no 4 or higher rank hosp) & would like a special mention or push, please email your the AAMC, your FULL name & the program/specialty you are applying (and of course, the date of IV)."

This is absolutely bullshit. Highly unethical, unprofessional way of advertising Dr. B. I am sorry Mr. TruchoMD, I highly disagree.
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* ReBig Grinr B @ meeting with 26+ Program Directors Today
pr10 - 12/08/09 11:23

ove! what am i reading? can somebody do this ? so all our effors, hardwork, sacrifices, money and what not are all worthless. just an email helps the applicants.

if this is true, then what abt the PDs who want to listen to somebody else but dont trust the hardwork we have put in.
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* ReBig Grinr B @ meeting with 26+ Program Directors Today
mysam - 12/08/09 11:58

What Dr.B has been doing was very good and beneficial but what Dr.Maria pau has just written will undermine all the good work. It's plain unethical what you are proposing. So if someone didnt attend the IV sessions with DR.B that person will be disadvantaged, right? Just Bullocks!!! So for me and the rest of the attendees we will automatically be on the top list that is if we take a leap of faith to reveal our AAMC ID ?
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* ReBig Grinr B @ meeting with 26+ Program Directors Today
mysam - 12/08/09 12:00

What Dr.B has been doing was very good and beneficial but what Dr.Maria pau has just written will undermine all the good work. It's plain unethical what you are proposing. So if someone didnt attend the IV sessions with DR.B that person will be disadvantaged, right? So for me and the rest of the attendees we will automatically be on the top list that is if we take a leap of faith to reveal our AAMC ID ? This is outrageous, nonsense!!!
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* ReBig Grinr B @ meeting with 26+ Program Directors Today
imgspouse - 12/08/09 12:00

Hi mysam

I am awaiting NRMP's response in this matter.
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* ReBig Grinr B @ meeting with 26+ Program Directors Today
imgspouse - 12/08/09 12:05

+ mysam, I do not think that Dr. B's off the hook either. What is good for the goose.....

Read thisSad* added my me for emphasis)

Dr B has already pulled for some students, but *we* thought this morning on the way here that we can do more with everyone in one place.
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* ReBig Grinr B @ meeting with 26+ Program Directors Today
mysam - 12/08/09 12:05

I wonder what they will do? When people through contacts have secured and are securing IVs & are matching left, right and center in the past and todate through family and freinds and now Dr.Maria Pau is proposing a similar "push" , "influence" or "lobbying" now by a corporation. The unfortunate are we, who do things the right way and still get the door closed in our face.
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* ReBig Grinr B @ meeting with 26+ Program Directors Today
mysam - 12/08/09 12:10

people have been helping others in the past especially if they have a personal & professional relationship. I can understand the "push a few" but now to create a Movement is absurd.
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* ReBig Grinr B @ meeting with 26+ Program Directors Today
imgspouse - 12/08/09 12:20

I have asked from NRMP if they have a position on unfair practices by "commercial interests". Once they chose to ask for donation and in triple digits, forget the "mission", that becomes absolutely commercial unless they are registered as a non-profit organization. And that is not the case ( I did in an earlier post mention that 20$ is worth every bit for the seminar hosted by Dr.B; but that altruism vanished when the amount went to (was it?) 100$.

So, I just sent NRMP a question from my official mail and my designation so that they do not treat it a junk mail, and I am hopeful of hearing from them. Below is the message I sent, and I have no second thought about whether it was right to do so. I just came to the forum after a few days and felt outraged by this message. Also, I saw an earlier post by truchMD or whatever that name is where the person challenged another user to obtain ip addresses. I am just about thinking how will any service host (in this case usmleforum) can share ip addresses without a subpoena in this country. And so there are 2 clear instances by this group where they show utter disregard to privacy issues and seem more intent on "helping IMGs" through their vision. I just concluded that they are also wolf in sheep's clothes.

We are NOT unfortunate. We can choose to be unfortunate by not standing up to them. Predatory practices should not be tolerated; and sometimes, it just a matter of putting them in place.

Dear Ms. Singer,

I wanted to bring to your notice some comments that I saw on a forum (, and about which I am concerned.

A person claims to know a number of PDs and mentions that he will "push" their application for a favorable consideration by a PDs in New York. This person purportedly offers advice on residency interviews and does it for free; though of late the participants in his classes have had to make a "donation". Therefore, I think that commercial interest is involved. I feel that it is an unethical pratice that places some candidates at an unfair advantage over others.

Could you please tell me what is the NRMP's stated position on these kind of tactics? Can NRMP issue an advisory on such people / organization so that a level playing field is maintained for all applicants?

I thank you for your kind attention in this matter, and look forward to hearing for you.
First, Last Name

Dr B @ meeting with 26+ Program Directors Today #469071 drmariapau - 12/08/09 09:38 If you are an alumni/former student of Dr B & the past IV Seminars:

Dr B was invited to speak at a big conference in Long Island, NY today. There are 26+ Program Directors from various specialties across the NYC region convening as part of a Grand Round for the region. I am with him there now & he is about to speak (it's 9:30am now) and will be talking to many of them until the early afternoon.

If you have an interview at a program in NYC already (either past or coming up) that you plan on RANKING 1, 2 or 3 (please, no 4 or higher rank hosp) & would like a special mention or push, please email your the AAMC, your FULL name & the program/specialty you are applying (and of course, the date of IV).

Before 12 noon please. After that I won't be able to check mail.

Dr B has already pulled for some students, but we thought this morning on the way here that we can do more with everyone in one place.

Email: , attn: PD Conference

~ Dr Maria Pau, Academic Director, Mission: Residency
Dr B @ meeting with 26+ Program Directors Today
drmariapau - 12/08/09 09:38

If you are an alumni/former student of Dr B & the past IV Seminars:

Dr B was invited to speak at a big conference in Long Island, NY today. There are 26+ Program Directors from various specialties across the NYC region convening as part of a Grand Round for the region. I am with him there now & he is about to speak (it's 9:30am now) and will be talking to many of them until the early afternoon.

If you have an interview at a program in NYC already (either past or coming up) that you plan on RANKING 1, 2 or 3 (please, no 4 or higher rank hosp) & would like a special mention or push, please email your the AAMC, your FULL name & the program/specialty you are applying (and of course, the date of IV).

Before 12 noon please. After that I won't be able to check mail.

Dr B has already pulled for some students, but we thought this morning on the way here that we can do more with everyone in one place.

Email: , attn: PD Conference

~ Dr Maria Pau, Academic Director, Mission: Residency
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* ReBig Grinr B @ meeting with 26+ Program Directors Today
projecthope - 12/08/09 12:23

I am so glad I didn't fall for this trap!... I was almost going to sign up for this Dr. B's online interviewing sessions - but when I saw the cost $ 100 - that made me really cringe!!... I mean $ 100 is a big thing - at least for me!... so I practiced for interviewing skills over the skype instead with - believe it to not - a total non - medical friend - in fact a UK returned management guru!... and well, that works for me!...

The point I am trying to make here - try to identify what works best for you and take it from there - there is no "one-size-fits-all" here!
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* ReBig Grinr B @ meeting with 26+ Program Directors Today
mysam - 12/08/09 12:27

projecthope, very true.@ "one-size-fits-all"

Imgspouse, thank you for taking the initiative. I am intrigued on what the response will be.
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* ReBig Grinr B @ meeting with 26+ Program Directors Today
imgspouse - 12/08/09 12:41

we will see, at the least, I am expecting them to respond. Hopefully, they send out an advisory reminding all participants in the match (applicants and programs) about their ethical policy; and it would be great if they blacklist the business and mention it on NRMP (Dr. B also boasted about his AMG student in one of the seminars) and / or the ECFMG website.

I think and to an extent agree that recommendation of candidates among peers is commonplace in scientific and management circles; that's one thing; but recommendation of "students" that give as they call in my language "gurudakshina" to a commercial person is blatant violation of the code of ethics.
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* ReBig Grinr B @ meeting with 26+ Program Directors Today
john2007 - 12/08/09 12:48

ppl: i think thesis is another trap to defame FMGs and kick them out of the game. they cud be AMGs, who knows? no offense, i read here that they are a team( mostly Caribbean grad or Hispanic...they had the same names too )who are trying to earn money and damage other FMgs applicants (as u may know, some of them are counted the same AMGs).

i tried to warn ppl, but i was attacked by a bound of gang! i felt to stay away from this forum! i have too much to do! it is totally shameful to c such greedy ppl!

also, they were attacking anyone who was against them where are they now? i am afraid this to be another trap for them to make fool of FMGs.

someone who attended in one of Dr Bryan 's seminars said :"he has a team and helps them to secure residency slots....he tries to collect ppl's info in his seminar to use them to bring them down and make more room for his own team..."

sorry for the misspelling. i am out of this! so shameful!
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* ReBig Grinr B @ meeting with 26+ Program Directors Today
mysam - 12/08/09 13:03

I honestly dont know john2007, if they have an ulterior motive of hurting other IMG's. I had attended the first seminar in the very beginning which was free. But I had already read up and preped myself for the whole IV senario psychologically so the seminar was an eye opener just to guide me on the possibility how the process goes. But I had all my answers ready and even Dr.B commented on my performance. I think getting knowledge or knowing of what you are going to face is good.. you have to be prepared for the battle . And that was what Dr.B was doing and I admired him and the team for that. But if other issues later resurface which are unethical they have to be addressed. As for IV's in NY, I have none and I wish all those who have well. May they match and be great doctors.
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* ReBig Grinr B @ meeting with 26+ Program Directors Today
imgspouse - 12/08/09 13:09

agree with you 100%. i think that at the end of the day, both amgs and imgs are doing their best to secure a residency. as it goes, amgs are preferred over imgs for obvious (and correct) reasons, and as imgs we should be ready to face the fact. mysam, i think the free session that you attended may also have been one in which spouse participated, and it was very informative. but as you say, things that followed the free session have started reminding me that there is no such thing as free lunch....
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* ReBig Grinr B @ meeting with 26+ Program Directors Today
mysam - 12/08/09 14:38

lol, more than 600 views!!

Im not sure what username your better half used but most likely if it was the first group we were together. Pass her my regards.
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* ReBig Grinr B @ meeting with 26+ Program Directors Today
hemoglobin - 12/08/09 15:22

i agree this is highly can this person say that just bcoz somebody paid them $100 to know how to present him/herself at an interview and how to answer questions that they can be assured of a residency spot too !....If they can make ppl believe that PDs are going to listen to somebody who coached some ppl ,this should be reported !
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* ReBig Grinr B @ meeting with 26+ Program Directors Today
imgspouse - 12/08/09 15:30

mysam~ no idea; maybe she used "docspouse"??? just kidding, I am the devil and she is an angel...... so most likely she used her name.

Hi Hb! how are you?
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* ReBig Grinr B @ meeting with 26+ Program Directors Today
pyrimidine - 12/09/09 08:13

where is your explanation, truchomd or drmariapau??? At least show us your face and do not hide.
drmariapau - 12/08/09 09:38

If you are an alumni/former student of Dr B & the past IV Seminars:

Dr B was invited to speak at a big conference in Long Island, NY today. There are 26+ Program Directors from various specialties across the NYC region convening as part of a Grand Round for the region. I am with him there now & he is about to speak (it's 9:30am now) and will be talking to many of them until the early afternoon.

If you have an interview at a program in NYC already (either past or coming up) that you plan on RANKING 1, 2 or 3 (please, no 4 or higher rank hosp) & would like a special mention or push, please email your the AAMC, your FULL name & the program/specialty you are applying (and of course, the date of IV).

Before 12 noon please. After that I won't be able to check mail.

Dr B has already pulled for some students, but we thought this morning on the way here that we can do more with everyone in one place.

Email: , attn: PD Conference

~ Dr Maria Pau, Academic Director, Mission: Residency
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* ReBig Grinr B @ meeting with 26+ Program Directors Today
maddoc14 - 12/09/09 08:34

im looking forward to the responses by these ppl...hehehe...
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* ReBig Grinr B @ meeting with 26+ Program Directors Today
maddoc14 - 12/09/09 15:12

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* ReBig Grinr B @ meeting with 26+ Program Directors Today
mysam - 12/09/09 15:22

Silence has alot of meanings... let's wait and see.
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* ReBig Grinr B @ meeting with 26+ Program Directors Today
meti - 12/09/09 15:23

i have been missing many things including this kind of 'ad' giving position for residency? How?
looking forward to see NRMP response.
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* ReBig Grinr B @ meeting with 26+ Program Directors Today
mysam - 12/09/09 15:25

Meti, welcome back and you didnt miss much. Studying for Step 3 is more important Smile
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* ReBig Grinr B @ meeting with 26+ Program Directors Today
meti - 12/09/09 15:29

hi mysam
alway i look for your post!
hw r u?
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* ReBig Grinr B @ meeting with 26+ Program Directors Today
meti - 12/09/09 15:32

i wrote you --
yes, i'm trying.
lets see how much i can do!
really it's tough time!
take care.
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* ReBig Grinr B @ meeting with 26+ Program Directors Today
imgspouse - 12/09/09 15:40

Here is the response from Ms. Singer at the NRMP. So, the way I look at it at the moment is

a) NRMP responds quickly when something is brought to their notice.

b) NRMP can be made aware of false advts. So, its a good idea for more applicants to intimate the NRMP against such people / companies. The more people complain about a particular company, perhaps the more they will take notice of that issue, else its a generic complaint.

c) The ad from the missionaries is unethical and at least officially a lie unless Dr. Pau can present proof that Dr.B pulled in some of his favored candidates.

Message follows
Dr. LastName:

The NRMP receives numerous telephone calls and emails from applicants asking about services, such as the one you describe, that claim to be able to advance an applicant’s application during the Match season or the post-Match Scramble for unfilled positions. We discourage applicants from using such services because program directors tell the NRMP that they generally disregard applications they receive from them.

With respect to this particular service, I do not have enough information to know whether there was a violation of the Match Participation Agreement (MPA). In particular, unless this individual signed the MPA and therefore is bound by its terms, there can be no violation.

Mona Signer


Mona M. Signer
Executive Director
National Resident Matching Program
2450 N Street, NW
Washington, DC 20037
Phone: 202-828-0629
Fax: 202-828-4797

And yes, I am still waiting for Dr. Pau's response. How long does it take to frame one; surely not as difficult as the climate treaty at Copenhagen.........
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* ReBig Grinr B @ meeting with 26+ Program Directors Today
mysam - 12/09/09 15:58

Meti @ hang in there, keep your spirits high and focus on your goal dear. Inshallah everything will work out.

Imgspouse @Thanks for the feedback so NRMP want people to send official complaints.
And lol@ as difficult as the climate treaty at copenhagen. Amidst the scandal of the leaked london documents alot of delegates at the summit will be in a hot seat!!!
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* ReBig Grinr B @ meeting with 26+ Program Directors Today
drnishu - 12/09/09 20:08

Dr B @ meeting with 26+ Program Directors Today
drmariapau - 12/08/09 09:38

If you are an alumni/former student of Dr B & the past IV Seminars:

Dr B was invited to speak at a big conference in Long Island, NY today. There are 26+ Program Directors from various specialties across the NYC region convening as part of a Grand Round for the region. I am with him there now & he is about to speak (it's 9:30am now) and will be talking to many of them until the early afternoon.

If you have an interview at a program in NYC already (either past or coming up) that you plan on RANKING 1, 2 or 3 (please, no 4 or higher rank hosp) & would like a special mention or push, please email your the AAMC, your FULL name & the program/specialty you are applying (and of course, the date of IV).

Before 12 noon please. After that I won't be able to check mail.

Dr B has already pulled for some students, but we thought this morning on the way here that we can do more with everyone in one place.

Email: , attn: PD Conference

~ Dr Maria Pau, Academic Director, Mission: Residency
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* ReBig Grinr B @ meeting with 26+ Program Directors Today
hemoglobin - 12/09/09 20:33

hmmm...yeah no response from the original poster or anybody else from their team!

i agree that dr Brian did a very god job and answered everybody's questions but something like "a push" like these sidekicks are promising by him are unethical ,unprofessional and unfair.
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* ReBig Grinr B @ meeting with 26+ Program Directors Today
imgspouse - 12/10/09 13:50

BUMP, where are you Dr. Pau?
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* ReBig Grinr B @ meeting with 26+ Program Directors Today
john2007 - 12/10/09 15:59

i am trying to look them up online. not such a name anywhere to be found!! do u know her or his real name? like Dr Bryan wht? i wish we knew their real name! then we cud easily forward these crap post to their departments! this ppl shud be exposed! one day is Dr B team, then torch team,then we write trash=WWT or wwf or else group! poor new comers who might fall in these trap!those who want to apply in upcoming yrs! God have mercy!

i hope we cud find their real name and inform their institute/program/nrmp/eras...everywhere and expose them!
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* ReBig Grinr B @ meeting with 26+ Program Directors Today
imgspouse - 12/10/09 16:42

john, i guess that i will keep bump-ing until they respond
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* ReBig Grinr B @ meeting with 26+ Program Directors Today
john2007 - 12/10/09 18:06

imgspouse : i c...however i cant trust such freaked greedy ppl. they might pop up wid a new idea to cove it up and rip off IMgs pocket as usual! have u noticed how all of those advertisers have been lost from forum these days? i am sure they earn easy $$ with no tax and keep going, as far as no one bothers them! wht a shame to c a bunch of jack ass & bitches advertise and defend&support them!
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* ReBig Grinr B @ meeting with 26+ Program Directors Today
maddoc14 - 12/11/09 02:42

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* ReBig Grinr B @ meeting with 26+ Program Directors Today
imgspouse - 12/12/09 13:31

Hi all, hope things move in the right direction.

Just wanted to BUMP this post... waiting for Pau bhaaji.....
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* ReBig Grinr B @ meeting with 26+ Program Directors Today
mysam - 12/12/09 13:52

Nice to see your back imgspouse,
I am heading out. I hope they could respond ,too.
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* ReBig Grinr B @ meeting with 26+ Program Directors Today
john2007 - 12/12/09 13:52

Hi! i think we are advertising here for them Sad ? wht is bhaaji????? do u call girls like hot spicy food??? i looked it up in wikipedia and says:"hot spicy food/snack!!??" cool man!! Smile although these ppl look more bitter! aint know of being hot ! thank God i was not there!^?
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* ReBig Grinr B @ meeting with 26+ Program Directors Today
meti - 12/12/09 14:07

imgspouse, now you need to explain what is bhaaji --
is it part of IV practice session?lol
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Dr B @ meeting with 26+ Program Directors Today
drmariapau - 12/08/09 09:38

If you are an alumni/former student of Dr B & the past IV Seminars:

Dr B was invited to speak at a big conference in Long Island, NY today. There are 26+ Program Directors from various specialties across the NYC region convening as part of a Grand Round for the region. I am with him there now & he is about to speak (it's 9:30am now) and will be talking to many of them until the early afternoon.

If you have an interview at a program in NYC already (either past or coming up) that you plan on RANKING 1, 2 or 3 (please, no 4 or higher rank hosp) & would like a special mention or push, please email your the AAMC, your FULL name & the program/specialty you are applying (and of course, the date of IV).

Before 12 noon please. After that I won't be able to check mail.

Dr B has already pulled for some students, but we thought this morning on the way here that we can do more with everyone in one place.

Email: , attn: PD Conference

~ Dr Maria Pau, Academic Director, Mission: Residency
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* ReBig Grinr B @ meeting with 26+ Program Directors Today
mysam - 12/12/09 14:15

I beleive bhaaji is a "title" I remember some of my indian friends using it and it's not bajia which is a yummy indian snack. It's like saying the "esteemed brother/ senior " . The thing is Pau is a she so I dont think Bhaaji would have been the appropriate wording.
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* ReBig Grinr B @ meeting with 26+ Program Directors Today
john2007 - 12/12/09 16:40

got it! thanks sam!! good to i wudnt call a hot lady wid dat title!!
agree with u! these ppl are moslty a bunch of jerk! dont deserve any nice title!! although,,,,the big daddy si a guy ..Dr B!! bhajji or something!
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* ReBig Grinr B @ meeting with 26+ Program Directors Today
imgspouse - 12/12/09 17:22

OMG, what did i do? (yes meti, got to clarify for my words)

ok, it was pun intended (sorry mysay, my bad); and bhaji is basically vegetable and bhaji (; but john, you should rein in your imagination, and there is no advt here for them or about them. it is just about keeping the thread alive, once they answer, this thread will be history.

interesting that they remain silent. Did they decide that they are done collecting "donation" for this year. Such a shame that they would act in this manner!
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* ReBig Grinr B @ meeting with 26+ Program Directors Today
meti - 12/12/09 17:58

long time no talk.
have you got chance to look yahoo.
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* ReBig Grinr B @ meeting with 26+ Program Directors Today
imgspouse - 12/14/09 08:39

Good morning all. BUMP.

How long does it take to develop a spine? Perhaps a looooong time.....
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* ReBig Grinr B @ meeting with 26+ Program Directors Today
drabcd76 - 12/14/09 11:34

Please don't provide your AAMC ID to some body you don't know.
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* ReBig Grinr B @ meeting with 26+ Program Directors Today
john2007 - 12/14/09 19:32

Manage ur life:

5 Behaviors of Manipulative People

Many of us like to think the best of people. We like to think that they shoot straight and are forthright in their intentions. We also like to believe that they will ask for what they want and not resort to crazy tactics to get it. Unfortunately, however, there are times when we come across those who will do whatever it takes to get what they want…including manipulation. Being manipulated never feels good, but the worst part of manipulation is that often, we don’t even realize that it is happening. Here are a few ways to know if someone is trying to manipulate you:

1. Buttering You Up: To get their way, manipulators will often make you feel good so that they can then ask you to do something that they want. The person may first compliment you or tell you what a wonderful job you did on something. Making you feel good will, in their mind, make it difficult for you to say no…after all, you wouldn’t want to disappoint them or give them reason to think you didn’t deserve the compliment in the first place. What you can do: Return the compliments and the niceties before saying no.
2. Guilt: This doesn’t only pertain to Catholics and Jewish Mothers; guilt trips have been a successful manipulation tactic for centuries. The saddest part of this strategy is that the victims of this tactic succumb to the manipulators’ demands because they feel they HAVE to, not because they WANT to. In personal relationships, this sets up a co-dependency that is extremely unhealthy. What you can do: Ask the individual if they want you to do something because you have to or because you want to. If they say they want you to want to do it, tell them that you don’t and that they are trying to force you into something you don’t feel comfortable with.
3. Broken Record: Probably the most obvious of formats is the broken record tactic. If a person asks you enough or pushes their agenda enough…constantly repeating the question or request over and over again…in slightly different ways, the victim will inevitably give in and give them what they want. Oye! What you can do: Ask the individual what they don’t understand about the word “no.” Tell them that asking you over and over again isn’t going to change anything and that they are inappropriately over-stepping boundaries.
4. Selective Memory: This one gets me the most. You swear you have a conversation about a plan and everyone is on the same page, and then one day, the manipulator pretends to remember the conversation completely differently, if at all. What you can do: Record your conversations…seriously! Okay, maybe not. At least have a witness that you can count on to back you up if the person pulls this shenanigan. Call them out on the fact that they conveniently change the game to fit their needs.
5. Bullying: If a person doesn’t get their way, they make you out to look or feel like the bad guy…like you are the wrong one. What you can do: Be firm and tell them that their bullying tactics are inappropriate and unacceptable.

Keep your eyes open for these behaviors and continue to stand your ground to ensure that you aren’t a victim of manipulation. Have you seen any other types of manipulative behavior?
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* ReBig Grinr B @ meeting with 26+ Program Directors Today
imgspouse - 12/15/09 12:20

Good morning all, and BUMP!

Dr. Pau aka Dr. B aka Dr. Truchmod aka Dr. Carrilo

they will probably post after recovering from the root canal operation. I hope to keep this thread alive until then.

folks, pl. bear with me till that point of time.

Have a good day.
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* ReBig Grinr B @ meeting with 26+ Program Directors Today
mysam - 12/15/09 12:31

They have opted to do a disappearing act by vanishing in thin air. How immature!!
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* ReBig Grinr B @ meeting with 26+ Program Directors Today
imgspouse - 12/15/09 16:53

mysam~ I think that they have a little banner called "mission accomplished 2009" in a party that they enjoyed after scamming poor IMGs.
Dr B @ meeting with 26+ Program Directors Today
drmariapau - 12/08/09 09:38

If you are an alumni/former student of Dr B & the past IV Seminars:

Dr B was invited to speak at a big conference in Long Island, NY today. There are 26+ Program Directors from various specialties across the NYC region convening as part of a Grand Round for the region. I am with him there now & he is about to speak (it's 9:30am now) and will be talking to many of them until the early afternoon.

If you have an interview at a program in NYC already (either past or coming up) that you plan on RANKING 1, 2 or 3 (please, no 4 or higher rank hosp) & would like a special mention or push, please email your the AAMC, your FULL name & the program/specialty you are applying (and of course, the date of IV).

Before 12 noon please. After that I won't be able to check mail.

Dr B has already pulled for some students, but we thought this morning on the way here that we can do more with everyone in one place.

Email: , attn: PD Conference

~ Dr Maria Pau, Academic Director, Mission: Residency
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* ReBig Grinr B @ meeting with 26+ Program Directors Today
maddoc14 - 12/16/09 15:34

bump. still waiting for their reply
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* ReBig Grinr B @ meeting with 26+ Program Directors Today
hemoglobin - 12/16/09 15:37

yeah i dont think anybody is going to answer now....
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* ReBig Grinr B @ meeting with 26+ Program Directors Today
maddoc14 - 12/17/09 03:46

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* ReBig Grinr B @ meeting with 26+ Program Directors Today
lungi - 12/19/09 10:22

where are you trucho??? Come on and show your faces, you ass****s??
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* ReBig Grinr B @ meeting with 26+ Program Directors Today
maddoc14 - 12/19/09 15:37

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* ReBig Grinr B @ meeting with 26+ Program Directors Today
mysam - 12/19/09 21:48

I think the last resort is to go to the root of the problem.. i.e going to maybe a response maybe given or the query maybe deleted.
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* ReBig Grinr B @ meeting with 26+ Program Directors Today
imgspouse - 12/22/09 21:26


hehe... the temptation was tooo much. Sorry!
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* ReBig Grinr B @ meeting with 26+ Program Directors Today
pyrimidine - 12/23/09 00:07

I have already emailed to NRMP and concerned authorities. I suggest you all write to NRMP with the link of this webpage. This is the only way to make these cheaters realize how strong IMGs can be and it might not be that easy to rip off IMGs. By doing this we can also save many more IMGs in future.
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* ReBig Grinr B @ meeting with 26+ Program Directors Today
mysam - 12/23/09 00:13

Imgspouse already did that and he also posted the response he received from them. But you are right, the more the merrier!!

Imgspouse - 12/09/09 15:40

Here is the response from Ms. Singer at the NRMP. So, the way I look at it at the moment is

a) NRMP responds quickly when something is brought to their notice.

b) NRMP can be made aware of false advts. So, its a good idea for more applicants to intimate the NRMP against such people / companies. The more people complain about a particular company, perhaps the more they will take notice of that issue, else its a generic complaint.

c) The ad from the missionaries is unethical and at least officially a lie unless Dr. Pau can present proof that Dr.B pulled in some of his favored candidates.

Message follows
Dr. LastName:

The NRMP receives numerous telephone calls and emails from applicants asking about services, such as the one you describe, that claim to be able to advance an applicant’s application during the Match season or the post-Match Scramble for unfilled positions. We discourage applicants from using such services because program directors tell the NRMP that they generally disregard applications they receive from them.

With respect to this particular service, I do not have enough information to know whether there was a violation of the Match Participation Agreement (MPA). In particular, unless this individual signed the MPA and therefore is bound by its terms, there can be no violation.

Mona Signer


Mona M. Signer
Executive Director
National Resident Matching Program
2450 N Street, NW
Washington, DC 20037
Phone: 202-828-0629
Fax: 202-828-4797
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* ReBig Grinr B @ meeting with 26+ Program Directors Today
imgspouse - 12/24/09 21:45

Bring Up The Post.... is that what BUMP means???

Dr B @ meeting with 26+ Program Directors Today
drmariapau - 12/08/09 09:38

If you are an alumni/former student of Dr B & the past IV Seminars:

Dr B was invited to speak at a big conference in Long Island, NY today. There are 26+ Program Directors from various specialties across the NYC region convening as part of a Grand Round for the region. I am with him there now & he is about to speak (it's 9:30am now) and will be talking to many of them until the early afternoon.

If you have an interview at a program in NYC already (either past or coming up) that you plan on RANKING 1, 2 or 3 (please, no 4 or higher rank hosp) & would like a special mention or push, please email your the AAMC, your FULL name & the program/specialty you are applying (and of course, the date of IV).

Before 12 noon please. After that I won't be able to check mail.

Dr B has already pulled for some students, but we thought this morning on the way here that we can do more with everyone in one place.

Email: , attn: PD Conference

~ Dr Maria Pau, Academic Director, Mission: Residency
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* ReBig Grinr B @ meeting with 26+ Program Directors Today
pyrimidine - 12/25/09 10:07

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* ReBig Grinr B @ meeting with 26+ Program Directors Today
imgspouse - 12/26/09 21:44


hey Maria, I just saw your post on the forum after what seemed an eternity,.you seemed scared and locked your thread...

you wanna make more money again for Mission residency, right?

How about answering this post... we are waiting for you.
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* ReBig Grinr B @ meeting with 26+ Program Directors Today
john2007 - 12/26/09 23:14

hurrrrrrrrrrry up for da seminar!!
now is time for ripping off imgs pockets!!! holidays are ahead ....we spent da damn $$$ for more $$$ neeeeded!!!
wht a shameeeeeeeeeeeeeee!! how do they treat poor pt or ppl???
why has she locked her damn therad?????
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* ReBig Grinr B @ meeting with 26+ Program Directors Today
john2007 - 12/26/09 23:14

* Jan 2nd IV Session for End of Season Interviews
drmariapau - 12/26/09 21:30

We have received email request from docs interested in preparing for January Interviews. These requests have come from those that have their first & only IV's in Jan, while a handful have been from docs that feel that their previous interviews did not go as well as expected.

The goal of the seminar is and has always been to provide attendees with an understanding of the design of each of the questions you may be asked so that you can find YOUR unique answers to help you stand out from other candidates. January the part of the season when interviewers can be tired and worn down from the standard answers the majority of candidates have given from Oct-Dec.

We will be officially hosting one January IV for Residency Seminar with Dr Brian on Saturday, Jan 2nd, from 4pm-midnight

Taught by Dr Brian (phoenixMD), this is a 1-day Question & Answer Strategy Session. Whether you have had 10 interviews or are waiting for your first interview, this session will give you insider tips & strategies to help you master your interview to improve your chances to Match into each program.

The session is LIVE & Interactive, allowing attendees to participate using Microphones/Voice, webcam, annotation of the screen, share documents, participate in live polling questions, vote on good/bad answers given by other participants, & receive feedback on your personal answers given by audio or chat.

To Enroll, please go here:

*Please note that all registered docs will receive their personal logins simultaneously on the night before the session date. If you do not receive your login by then or register late, simply email (we will check emails as late 1 hour prior to the start)

Dr Maria Pau, Academic Director
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