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Quick inquiry regarding verification by ECFMG - dr_me9
Pls help me.
Well, I'm registering for step1. I finished the online part of registeration and paid the $780 fees. I then sent the forms (personally) including the notarized form 186 (as my graduate college doesn't participate in EMSWP). The dean of my faculty signed the form and that was sent along copies of my certifictaes and the rest of the forms to the the ECFMG yesterday via DHL.
My question is at my college they said I'll need to pay some fees later when the ECFMG contact the college again for verification. Is it true that ECFMG will contact my college again for verification??? I don't believe that will happen as long as my college already sent form 186 and the certificates?? am not sure anymore. Is there any verification step other than this one????? Pls help me with this.

If ECFMG sent the form 186 to your school (after you notarized it)your school/dean has to sign the form and sent your certificate and transcription and another form called 327 A (this form is provided by ECFMG ) to ECFMG and that is the end

In your case you sent the form 186 to your school, the school/dean sign and sent this form with your transcript and your certificate to ECFMG, and ECFMG sent back to your school the form 327 with diploma for a direct verification with your school. And your school has to send it back to ECFMG again.
Check the ECFMG website for more information
yeah thats exactly what happens....i have chosen the other way, i sent my docs to ecfmg and then they are doing all the work with my med school..
u have to send in the form 344 and 345
and yeah u have to pay some fee to ur college if you decided to do that way...i did it from pakistan so they charged my other friends who did the way u did
Thanks Keypoint and drbwish
Pls be patient with me as am still confused and ignore my ignorance.

Well I was told that somehow the system changed and now I have to send everything to my college by myself. I posted here a month ago inquiring.
What happened is that after finishing the online application part and paying the $780, I got form 186 to print. Along with it came the instructions that I have to notarize it then "I" should send it to my college to be signed by the officals there. Then my college has to send it to ECFMG along with form 187, 344 and 345 and a pic.
It didn't say anywhere that I have to send anything directly to ECFMG. It was stated clear that I have to send things directly to my college. So what happened is that my friend was travelling home. I sent with him the notarized form 186, forms 187, 344 and 345, copies of my certificates and a passport pic. He took all this to my college and made sure the dean signed form 186. He also followed with the college that all this was sent to ECFMG via DHL. Well, the secretary told him that he needs to leave some fees as ECFMG might contact them for verification!!! I'm so confused because I thought this step was all that is needed for verification!! So I asked my question above. So did I do anything wrong by sending this personally to my college without sending anything to the ECFMG???? What will happen next????
Thanks again
no dear, there were 2 options either u print the one for nortary public from usa or from ur college....u can go to ur oasis account and it will still show that option for u to reprint...but its still ok...this time it just takes longer the way u did...both methods are perfectly fine.
so now just chill and wait for ecfmg to contact u
Thank you drbwish for the quick reply. I was paniking all morning thinking I did a mistake.

Thanks a lot and best of luck to you drbiwish and to keypoint in your exams Smile
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