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for the girls - samira
Dear friends.
I have to bring a very important and serious issue to your attention.This is something that happened to a friend and It is cricial that all of us be aware of it.
All of us who intend to work in this male dominating society in one way or other as work collegues,as partners ,as doctors..have to keep one thing in mind=harrassment at work place.
All of us will be going for interviews,will be studying in public libraries (and I am talking about US).No place is safer than your home.There are drug addicts,child abusers,sexual maniacs in these public libraries and they are americans.They can be of any age,old and young..They will approach u as a nice friendly person,trying to know about your culture..and for us as coming from a culture where elders are respected,U may never know that you are being sexually harrassed by that person.
Whenever you find some man approaching u in an inappropriate way,plz inform the authorities.If a man no matter what his age is tries to come close where u feel uncomfortable,or tries to talk double meaning things,or tries to take any kind of personal information,PLZ DONOT ENCOURAGE HIM.There is no courteous talk in this country.A stranger is never safe in America.
This has happened to a girl here in US in a public library.and she thought the man of his father's age cant have those intentions.This country is full of sick be careful and keep your guards up.
All of you going for interviews to newyork,make sure there is some male relative or friend whom you trust be with you.Donot trust anyone you dont know.donot take any thing from anyone.Donot get into some stranger's car,even if u r desperate.CALL 911 for any kind of help.and also at work place,starting residency,this culture is full of perverts,sick people and JUST DONOT NEGLECT YOUR INSTINCTS.If u feel some person is trying to make u uncomfortable,call the police.
GIRLS!U got to be safe here.Keep your eyes open and the culture here is different.Nomatter how friendly a man is,never let him cross his limits by talking cheap or touching you in any way.
Always be with your husband,brother,friends or father when you are going to some risky area.
welcome to UNITED STATES.
hi samira
thanx for the post.
As a guy I have given this advice to my female friends/family 1000x. I am near paranoid after hearing too many very sad, tragic, devastating stories. Many women go along with the feminist empowerment attitude that they can take car of themselves in any situations. Sorry ladies, honestly why take a risk because of ego? I work out in a gym and I'm not one of the strongest guys there, but I am easily more powerful than any woman there. Imagine an enraged, hormone charged, mindless man. Why learn a lesson you didn't need to learn? Don't get caught at the wrong place at the wrong time. Make wise decisions, be careful, be smart, be aware, be safe.
This can happen in any part of the world... not just US. As independent mature working women, we step out of home into the society accepting the risks that exist for everybody. We should learn to be independent, and at the same time alert, aware and smart.
Thanks for reminding us safety issues.

Can I ask what happened in public library to your friend?

I always go to public libary. So I want to know in detail.

Hey mister (samira) there are no girls here, only women.

Samira is a man posing as a GIRL to scare muslim women.
Why? Do you feel you're loosing control?
Want them to continue under the thumb of the BOYS??
Are you threatened by the rights and equality and freedom of the women here?

Welcome to america.
If you cant hack it, go home!
hi samira, whoever are you
consider that if you stay at home you can die in fire or maybe eathquaqe kill you..., this world is crazy enough, please do not make it more crazy, don't become paranoid, we are adult people and this kind of post could be apropriate for early grade school kids
amrika bohar boharei
Hello Samira
I donot know what to say.May be I am not the right person to comment or judge.But I think US is much safer than any other region of the world.The reason being,here you can trust the law.Atleast you know,the police wont take money from offender and let him out and instead put you in for hurting his feelingsSmile.I understand your concerns,but everyone here is an adult.Women are much stronger as I understand most of them at this forum are either wives or mothers in US(i emphasise MOSTLY),and all of us are now at that stage of life when we are getting ready to raise our kids.Those were old times when mothers never talked to their daughters about this stuff but now is different.Instead of being scared and all the time looking at others to protect you,I think it is time to be strong and be a protection for someone else,your kids.
I am sorry but your messege freaks a normal woman giving an impression as if the world is not a safe place any more and you cannot step out of your homes.I agree to be carefull,but saying'not to talk to any man',i dont agree with.I believe in talking to men and let them know you are committed already and be professional.Even talking to a stranger,be stern and straight forward.But at the same time,be brave enough to slap in the face if you notice something awkward.You should not even feel the need to call the police everytime,bcz then it will be a million times a weekSmile..STRENGTH COMES WITHIN.I am my best 911.In this society,you have to interact with men everywhere and they are not all like that.Public libraries are safe but not if you let your kids go alone and be a victim.You have to be with your kids all the time.You have to teach them 'they will not talk to or take anything from a stranger'.
You know samira,such messeges give wrong impression that we are from some stone age era.If you are here is US,u have to be strong and be on your own.I agree in the part of the world we belong to,it is not safe.But here things are different.So my opinion is TO BE AS STRONG AND SELF CONFIDENT AS YOU CAN as no body will be there for you to protect you for ever.This is the time to protect your self by your self.
Hello everyone,

I totally agree with step1mom.....Everyone should think for themselves......take judicious decisions .... u have to have your descretion of how much to talk & whom to talk.....100% I am with step1mom on STRENGTH COMES from within.....make yourself so strong that u start living in this world saftely....rather than getting scared of the situations......there is both GOOD & BAD....think of GOOD things and BE ALWAYS AWARE OF BAD....just move-on....take care!!!bye.
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