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CONCEPTS tested in my exam recently... - mumbaidoc
hi all, hope this is useful to all of you here.. these were some of the concepts tested.. gud luck for u all

1. derivatives of neural crest
2. case of internuclear ophthalmoplegia with MLF med longitudinal fasciculus) lesion
3. trochlear nerve palsy
4. horner syndrome
5. occulomotor nerve palsy
6. supra nuclear facial nerve palsy
7. migraine
8. abduscent nerve palsy
9. mastoiditis
10. pituitary adenoma with field defect
11. craniopharyngioma
12. anterior cerebral artery thrombosis
13. ant spinal artery thrombosis
14. Absent posterior intercommunicating artery
15. cerebral aqueduct stenosis with hydocephalus
16. parkinsons disease- site of lesion
17. parkinsons- lewy bodies
18. cerebellar lesion & tremors
19. tardive dyskinesia
20. alzheimers disease
21. median nerve lesion
22. radial nerve lesion
23. femoral nerve lesion
24. medial collateral lig tear
25. aortic aneurysm
26. role of carotid and aortic bodies
27. allopurinol -MOA
28. aspirin- MOA
29. Zileuton “MOA
30. acetazolamide- MOA
31. ciproflox- MOA
32. Bleomycin Toxicity
33. clomiphene citrate- MOA
34. Ziduvudine- MOA
35. drug of choice for CMV retinitis
36. ACE inhibitor- MOA
37. graph- epinephrine & prazocin
38. finasteride -MOA
39. side effect of caffeine on heart
40. standard deviation
41. commonest type of tracheo-oesophageal fistula
42. syringomyelia

43. frontal lobe tumor
44. lymphatic drainage of Scrotum
45. vit B12-deficiency- peripheral smear
46. Iron def anaemia- Periph smear
47. CML- peripheral smear
48. multiple myeloma- bone marrow picture
49. baby with lead poisoning
50. iron deficiency anaemia
51. infectious mononucleosis - peripheral smear
52. NADPH oxidase deficiency
53. Nitro blue tetrazolium test
54. sickle cell anaemia
55. histopath- Carcinoma insitu
56. smoker- ciliary dysmotility
57. desmosome- function
58. golgi body function
59. gastric acid secretion- physiology
60. adrenal cortex- histology
61. hereditary hemochromatosis
62. type 1 hypersensitivity
63. development of uterus
64. Hydatiform mole
65. thalidomide & PREGNANCY
66. cocaine & PREGNANCY
67. alcohol & PREGNANCY
68. toxoplasmosis & PREGNANCY
70. primary pulmonary hypertension
71. placenta praevia
72. fetal vascular system
73. development of heart
74. cardiac tamponade
75. infective endocarditis
76. mitral valve sound- site of best auscultation
77. aortic S2- site of best auscultation
78. MDM of MR “ site of best auscultation
79. post-thyroidectomy hypoparathyroidism
80. MEN type II synd
81. osteopororsis in elderly female
82. premenopausal syndrome
83. meckel™s diverticulum
84. pancreatic carcinoma- CT scan
85. alcoholic cirrhosis- pathophysiology
86. repeated fungal inf of glans penis
87. fibroid of uterus
88. Extradural haemorrhage- CT scan
89. Babinski™s sign
90. Case control study
91. cohort study-
92. specificity
93. sensitivity
94. case fatality ratio
95. null™s hypothesis
96. power
97. beta error
98. alpha error
99. relative risk
100. physician patient relationship- 10-12 Q
101. function of inhibin
102. Klinefelter syndrome
103. congenital pyloric stenosis
104. coronary artery thrombosis- LAD
105. aspiration in supine position
106. internal haemorrhoids
107. NSAID abuse & papillary necrosis
108. renal adeno-carcinoma
109. renal blood flow and effect of efferent arterial constriction on GFR
110. wernicke™s encephalopathy
111. Broca™s aphasia
112. meiosis I arrest
113. meiosis II arrest
114. informed consent
115. confidentiality
116. APGAR score
117. Hirschprung™s disease
118. Narcolepsy
119. sleep terror
120. amphetamine toxicity
121. phencyclidine toxicity
122. barbiturate toxicity
123. heroin toxicity
124. major depressive disorder
125. generalized anxiety disorder
126. Obsessive compulsive disorder
127. ego defence mech- rationalization
128. factitous disorder
129. splitting
130. Operant conditioning
131. intelligence Quotient
132. familial hyper cholesterolemia
133. phenylketonuria
134. thiamine deficiency
135. vit C deficiency
136. histones
137. nucleotides
138. translation of m-RNA
139. stop codon
140. regulation of gene expression
141. transcription activators
142. splicing of m-RNA
143. polymerase chain reaction
144. X-linked recessive inheritance
145. hardy Weinberg equilibrium
146. autosomal recessive inheritance
147. genetic imprinting
148. Mosaicism
149. enzyme kinetics (Vmax, S & Km )
150. G protein function

will be posting a few more soon...
thanks mumbaidoc, goodluck for score
Thank you so much-thats gonna be very helpful to all of us!GL.
always welcome... am just back from a holiday.. will put a few more soon... bye bye
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