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Is it ok to ask for prematch? - medicinematch
Hey guys. I ivd at a program where i did elective frm. i really liked the program and they also liked me. my iv went good as well and i expressed my interest in thank you letter, also hinted on prematch. but i got a very generic reply. I think the program is not keen for prematches though it gave out some last yr but not sure about this yrs policy! wat shud i do now? the program is competitive. shud i ask for prematch again or it looks too desperate? I am so scared for the match. Kindly suggest.
I dont have the personal experience, but my friends were warned not to ask pre match, unless u know them pretty darn well. Unless u know someone in the inside, i dont think u should risk it.
But its just what my friends and i follow.
@fmg.86 wat is the reason for that. does it look despo? or smthng else. this program is my no 1 choice so i m kinda confused.
up!!! post ur opinion guys
i am not sure. i guess its looks a bit desperate, but it also conveys our interest that we WANT their program. Just to be on safe side, i decided not to ask. I had my friend call up the prog coord, and made her ask, if they were giving any pre matches this year. That way, i knew that there was no pre match this year. U can try that, to know, but it will not help u in anyway...
I was very open and asked for a prematch- the reason being, I have a two kids and when I am looking for residency program, I am also looking for a good place to raise my children.

And I live in the UK and moving to the US is not an overnight business. I need lots of time to look into property, schools, selling my property in the UK. And knowing absolutely that this is right program for you. I was asked if given the job tomorrow, what will be my thoughts on it. I stated that I do not have any second thoughts about the program and I will take the job.

So asking for a prematch, taking all this into consideration- I don't see any negativity in it.

I also explained to the PD why I wanted a prematch. And he seem to understand.

The program I asked this at, has not given out any prematches this year. I have not heard anything from them yet.

But I will keep my fingers crossed. Thats my two cents.


If u did your elective there then I assume you shd have contacts. They could find out for u...if prematch is being given this year.
thx guys
If the program has a history of offering a pre match then it is no bad to ask a prematch........Unless you will ask how can the program determine that you are so much interested to commit without match......everyone writes the same letter, so unless or until u will specifically say that u want a pre match they wont offer you
yes you can ask for prematch
that is aslo my own personal experince
if u dont ask some one what you need how can you get it
ask to every faculty member and speclial prog direct
also tell them u are very intersted in your prog
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