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stupid question.. - serene1983
hey anyone plz answer my stupid question..did programs provided you program code for rank order list during ur interview visit or you guys just search it from nrmp directory like i did? was just confirming ..going through ocd phaseSmile thanks

From your forum ID and close inspection of what you have written; following assumptions can be made

1) you were born in 1983, so you are around 28 completed
2) you accept the question being stupid, So you have a VERY GOOD insight, at least
at present
3) you wrote "going through OCD phase" so the OCD appears episodic in nature.

So it is safe to presume it is OCD with compulsive checking (Did I get the number correct? is My source correct? and that you have not mentioned any distressing sexual/ abuce to god type obsessions) type, relatively late onset (Hoping it has started recently), and associated with a good insight. Since you did not repost in the thread within short time, I can assume the obsessions are not very strong and can be controlled to certain extent without compulsive act of checking..

Congrats..these are all signs of OCD with good prognosis. You are among those less than 40% patients with OCD who can expect a very good recovery. Smile Smile

I wrote all this to delay responce to your query..the behavioral treatment in OCD.
and yes...we all have got the numbers from NRMP site only. None of us were given any such numbers during our IVs.
first u are a guy
2nd ur older than me
if not i would marry you just for that single post!
@im_match and morpheo1...

Dont be impressed so much....I had watched an episode of "Sherlock Holmes, the BBC series just before reading the thread, and was all consumed by Deductive thinking...

Mark Gattis/ Steven Moffat you 2 rock.. (writers of the current Sherlock series) and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (Original writer) you rock too... and morpheo1..I dare you to watch the series and then say the same thing about sherlock that you said about me....
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