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B7 and CD28 - mutation
I was looking at an older edition, I guess they changed it, thanks so much for the confirmation. It makes so much more sense now. This is what I get for being lazy to get my book and looking at an older pdf.

Np anytime pall -_-
I recently took the exam and I remember a concept where they were asking what types of cells were displaying which had to deal with activation and I narrowed it down to the question asking about Th cell activation. I eliminated the rest of the answer choices and had B7 and CD28. They were asking which one of these is on the B Cells. In the heat of the moment as this information is pressing through your head... I couldnt recall whether a B cell was an APC as well, I knew macrophages and Dendritic cells were, but just did not remember at the moment. Sadly I chose CD28 and later saw that I had gotten the answer wrong when I looked up the information in the FA. More than 80% of this exam is from FA. I will contribute to the forum very soon.

My results should be coming soon ( Took it Feb 29th.) and once they arrive I will give a full disclosure of my studies and what helped me understand this information the best. Thanks hope that helped you in some way.
wow thank you so much!!! for the heads up!!!
a input from ur experience saved us from making the mistake thank you once again!!!
Thank you! Smile
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