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Is it worth it? - goodpal
After reading and knowing about a lot of people who dint match despite good scores and good cv's i am it worth another try? anybody who is thinking of appearing for AIPG next yr? I am confused and lost.
somebody plz reply..doesnt it scare you that so many people did not match despite good scores.this includes me..
What are your credentials? By AIPG do you mean All India Post Graduate Entrance? do you even know what kind of competition is there? in US people have approx. 42% chance of matching; in India it is less than 10%.

If you think you have got it...well then, give it a try. What can work in your favor is the fact that of late the exam paper question pattern is becoming more USMLE like.

Best of luck...
thanks score 234/238/210..very disappointed
Scores look good... So what went wrong? You can try to improve your CV. And is it your first application? if so, then you should certainly retry.
in addition the aipg will in all likelihood cover all pvt and govt colleges..sop the seats are going to go from 2k to 10k..just to let you know and my friends have cracked it this time..but if really want to have a shot at this exam you need to start soon(say by last week of take a weeks time..analize and then go with your gut feeling

i am seriously considering it, i have almost 4 months of clerkships, ongoing research, 2 publications... but low scores on step 1 and 3, 99 on ck and an attempt of cs, applied for 270 porgrams this year but not a single iv...

there are some crucial things i cant change in my application no matter how much i try, like my scores so i have very less chances next year too...

whereas i think i can i have a chance back home where i think i can crack it if i put these efforts there...
@ goodpal:
im in the same boat

my scores 234 (99)/231(99)/194(76)/cs passed all in first attempt, 2010 grad,
3 US lor's from university hospitals, 2 months usce, 7 i.vs IM.....not matched

i think my lor's must have been sick and i have to have more usce, with some research this time. I am just scared if things gonna be better or not

right now, im also thinking exactly the same way as you are but i guess, first i need to recover from this setback and should work on my weakness. you should do the same
Hey I have attempt on my CS exam too but if I can do it so can u guys.
232/207/2nd attempt/ 213. Old grad too 2007. I matched with 5 interviews, out of which 2 I got by me and my fiance calling the PC almost every day till they were like fine, come on in. My program total was 235+ both IM/ FM. As u guys know it's a gamble, you have to apply for a back up specialty and have to be very careful when it comes to choosing a program. With CS as the red flag on my application, I applied to only a few univ programs because most of them have their filters set for the attempts. I spoke with the PD at Uconn last year who asked me to focus mainly on community programs and to get as much USCE in the form of externships( cos that's considered close to hands on experience ) to try to overcome the attempt on my CS. Plus I gave my step3 on order to update my application.
I still think you have bright chances of getting in with your reasearch and publications. Usmle scores are good for 7 years so if u want you can try for residency in the home country at the stake of USCE and still apply for 2013 match. The PD at Uconn told me that when they see applications they're peat applicants (though I don't think they can save so many applications ) they look for changes since the last application and research and publications are huge so I think u shudnt loose hope. However, I fail to understand how ppl with lower scores and not so great CV's get in over good candidates like u. I hope whatever you choose works out great for u. GL.
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