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update - puellapulcher
Ooops! I forgot I was going to tell you about the exam...
well real quick I will give you my completely useless and unwanted run-through. It was like i said before very freakin long!! You MUST get good sleep the night before, and if you're an extremely nervous and weepy individual like yours truly then a mild sedative might be the way to go - I'm being dead serious!! If you're not totally rested - you will not make it through the 9 hours, on one of your bathroom breaks you will just quietly slide to the floor and go to sleep!!!
Ok here is stupid story - so our buddy Sharvil (a la 'secrets of 99') said that he only used his note pad to write himself encouraging lil notes - so i'm game to try anything for a 99 right? on my last block i was really tired and wanted it to just end, so to pep myself up i wrote a really really stupid note - in fact i don't even want to tell you guys but you don't know me so it's cool ... i wrote, "this is IT! GO GET 'EM TIGER!!" um.
then the proctor came to get something from the cubicle next to me and she saw it and giggled and ran away! it was, um, embarrassing.
I had a bit of a problem with time esp towards the end i was zoning out a little so make sure you keep an eye on the clock.
Drink lots of water - gotta stay well hydrated and just make sure you time your breaks so you get enough bathroom breaks. I took really short breaks but I took a break after each blocj otherwise its overload for me but you all need to figure out how you want to do it. even if you decide not to break at the end of a block, click on break screen and rest for a couple of minutes or else it really is too much.
ok that is all i can think of, it's almost midnight and i haven't finished packing, i'll be back with more useless advice - I'm sure you'll all be waiting with bated breath!
ps. ericz - i LOVED the 'abuse' video!!
pps. - hey ali - how you doingWink

puellapulcher, best regards.Alibism
hi peullapulcher,
"this is IT! GO GET 'EM TIGER!!"

why were you embarassed tiger??
you are in a war zone, a contest against the computer, against your mind and body which is exhausted and you need the encouragement and motivation.



why do not you share your tell to us more

tell us please what unnecessary thing you feel you read fot this exam

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