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Thank you emails - neil77
Hello everyone, hope everyone's match season is going okay. I know it was a tough one for me but I have high spirits that a program will take a chance on me.

I had a question on thank you emails or cards. I haven't sent any yet and I am wondering if I have doomed myself. I had my first interview in early October and have had no correspondence with the program since. I was thinking of just sending an email to express my interest in the program just to the PD. Does anybody have any suggestions? Should I email all faculty members? Should I email all people who interviewed me? Should I send thank you cards. Any advice is appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
sending a thank you email or card is not a factor they use to rank you. the only thing that matters in ranking is how your interview went and your credentials. it is simply a common courtesy it wont weigh in on your ranking AT ALL
thank you email/ ranking email is not a factor at all
Thanks for the advice. I was still thinking of sending out a few thank you emails. Any thoughts on who I should to? Just the PD or everyone I interviewed with? Any thoughts appreciated.
at least to PD and PC. Dont ever forget the coordinator.
It bothers me when people post comments like the two above, sounding like they were once PDs in a previous life. How can you totally dismiss something you're not in a position to be informed on? Certain programs (especially FM programs) try to get a sense of who is really interested and not communicating at all certainly doesn't put you in the bucket of interested candidates; does it!

@ neil77, send your thank you emails to everybody you interacted with that is worthy of thanks. Like the earlier poster said, don't forget the coordinator. You're a little late though and should have done this shortly after the interview. But give it a shot anyway.
Not entirely too late right now. Programs would start ranking in this time period. Some might be done by now, but majority of them will start working on it this the poster still has time to get them in.

They def will not hurt! Try to personalize the thank you emails, dont send the generic ..copy pasted stuff to all the programs. They def wont mean anything.
@this_dr if you show interest in your actual interview its more than not saying NOT to send a thank you letter like i said its a common courtesy and of course if its a courtesy you should do it--but dont do it expecting youll be Matched because of it or ranked higher or not matched because you didnt......they arent going to say "ok guy A sent a thank you letter and guy B didnt so dont rank guy B or rank guy A higher than guy B"....its not a factor in ranking that they weigh and compare with other applicants. showing interest IS good but that doesnt always just come down to a letter....the real interest youre suppose to show is in the actual interview by being attentive, asking questions, telling them the reasons you want to be there, etc.
neil asked if he has "doomed himself" and all im saying is he hasnt.
thank you to everybody for the advice..
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