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neuroq - djyoti
chronic abdominal pain headche
leaves stove on

1. mri and usg
2 serum uric acid
measure blood lead level
3 carotid duplex
4 b12 level
4. I think it is easier to check the B12 level. Just by the way, why not try toform the Qs properly as they could appear in the exam. It is really difficult to piece the information you gave together.
dementua n neuropathy b12 def
thanks for suggestion, i will try though i am bad in typing

why don u appear more often your input are solid and valuable

ans this q again yourself or somebodyelse
dyoti, I need more time for myeslf now. I fond out that I was spending more time on the forum than on my books. I rescheduled my exam because I am not meeting up with my study plan. I think the 4th option is the right answer or do you prefer the ist?
ans is lead poisoning

b12 is distractor inexam they will give folic acid

in lead poisoning there will be abdominal pain and gout

dont worry vegereatean has confused you; in exam ther will be no two distractor
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