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I can't get it - nia
How someone who got stabbed would have a cardiac tamponnade?If he is stabbed==>the 1st part to be injured in the heart is the pericardium so how the blood can collect in an open sac????
google it!
nia ; it went rt inside and blood is coming back to peri cardium wher theris a potential space and it comes on and on and can not go back because of pressure difference and come out of pericardium because outside that there is no potential space ; blood keeps on stretching the pericardial cavity and volume is increasing and pressure is increasing and that is pressing and presing and pressing rt ventricle and returnung blood can not goto rt atium and then to rt ventricle and ther will be no blood in rt ventricle no blood in rt ventricle no blood reaches left no systole in both because rt and lt heart are symmetrically working pump no cardic output and eventually there will be cardiogenic shock and pt will die

jvd will increse dddd distant ht sound distended jugular vein and decreased blood pressure and decreased cardic out put and distentended pericardic cavity ; initial 3D are called becks triad. there is pulsus alternans and low voltage ecg

rx is pericardiocentesis to buy time and thoracotomy put a finger in the hole and suture it ;

easy operation but you need real real courage

in emergency you are going to give lot lot lot of fluid and dobutamine though that is not a solution but is a fluid resucitation but should go side by side not one after another

dont think the knife is still there knife has been already pulled by stabber your question is why blood came from the inside ht to pericardium and why not it came out from the hole in the pericardium

above pericardium ther is nonresilient fibrous pericardium that iss tough and there is no potentiasl space bw fibrous pericardium and real pericardaial cavity bw viseral and parietal pericardium
real pericardial cavity is bw viseral and parieal pericardium and viseral pericardium is attached to epicardium and parietal pericardium is attached to fibrous peri cardim which is attached to surrounding base of great vessel diphragm and things so you see it is so tight tight and tight
Thank you Djyoti for your efforts;
you're better than google and the people who referred me to it!
I know very well what's tomponade, the only prblm was this case where the pericardium itself was injured.
GL with your exam
i know that you know; why i write because i love it

i apologise
I meant no offence, nia. I presume you will know it better if you search for it yourself. In any case, I don't strive to be better than anybody, including you. Alibism.
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