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hi, should i take step 3? - savannah
friends, this is my status

step 1 = 84, step 2 = 79 (2nd attempt), CS passed, GC holder, 6 months USCE, ECFMG certified, doing medical reseach now, prepared for 2007 match.

now i have some time and want to take step 3, please advice 1. am i eligible to take step 3?
2. when should i take step 3?
3. is it going to help if i pass step 3?
4. what kind of step 3 score is going to help for match 2007?
5. do we need pass step 3 before completion of residency?
6. any good materials for step 3?

Yes, you are eligible for step 3 as you are ECFMG certified.
As you are planning for 2007 match, you have plenty of time, but if you passed step 2 very recently, earlier the better.
It is not necessary to complete step 3 before completion of residency in some states (e.g. NY) but in some states you must pass step 3 in PGY 2 (e.g. PA)
It is really pain in neck. Try to pass step 3 before even applying for 2007 match.
It will definitely help you in getting residency slot.
For Step 3 materials just read this forum regularly, you will be an expert in couple of weeks.
Good luck
thanks mha,

this is great help. why did you say the ealier the better if i took step 2 recently? does this mean there are a lot similarities b/w step 2 and step 3?

thank you.

also, does kaplan step 3 materials are enough to pass step 3?
In step 3 emphasis is given on management part but there are a lot of questions on diagnosis and the basic understanding of the disease. Step 2 materials helps a lot.
As I said before, try to go through all the postings in this forum (atleast last one month). It will give you an idea about the materials you need to study.
Good luck.
thank you mha

can you pass step 3 right after passing step 2? how different is step 3 from step 2?
step3 emphasize on initial management than step2.
There are a lot of ethics questions,too.
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