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Should I take volunteer research job in a top Uni - realist123
Kash, you had in your earlier post mentioned that if it is a CS attempt then I should go forth and ake this research assistant position if that is what u wanted to convey.Hope I m not wrong!
I said take it if it is in CS, but I did not realize you graduated 9 years ago.

if your observerships were a long time ago, I think you are better served with finding some current new ones.

which leads me to the question, how old are your LORs? Many programs won't look at LORs older than a year or 2

I work in research, it is hit and miss with your PI and their contacts.

I've been around PIs who have had their post docs approach them in the clinic in front of me and have seen them get blown off, and have other colleagues who have had their PIs break down doors for them. It all depends.

If it is clinical research you'll get more exposure, if you are going to be doing basic research be very weary.

I would just temper your expectations, unless your PI clearly knows your goals ie ---> residency 2) hopefully this top program is in the east coast specifically NY tri state area that is a good place for someone with your Stats and YOG to knock down doors

gl. big decision but if your job will still be there back home go for it! Aim High, and luckily you have a safety net
in regards to the chances getting paid research,

I was unpaid, I busted my a$$, I was brought in for clinical research unpaid short term. My PI is more focused on basic. I knew for any chance to continue I would have to become a lab rat, so I did, I'm doing basic and everything in between. Only thing I haven't done is bring my boss coffee and take out the trash literally.

The only reason I will be getting paid (crap money I'm not complaining though) is because of my visa status, in short, one of the post docs is on a J1 and has to be sponsored for H1b. He was promised and the PI told him at the end that he wouldn't.

H1b depends on PI, his funding, and if he wants to put the money aside for you. It is all PI dependent
Kash, thanks again!
Should I tell them then that if they will sponsor me for an H1b visa later?
They know I am doing it to strengthen my residency application.

Your input is very helpful and I hope u get into a program.
I am earning around 1.5 K a year here so I will lose on that.
They also know that.
Kash, yes my LORs are old.
The want me to sign a volunteer contract for 2 years and then they will sponsor an H1B visa after I complete 2 years.
They know I can afford the expenses there and that is y they r showing more interest and fortunately I m working in a similar health system as theirs.I have to show the funds available with me to support myself and that is a condition.
Found this link:
Any other suggestions
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