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Am I asking too much? Please advise me on this. - pgy122015
Dear All , thank you very much for your kind and honest comments and suggestions.

First of all, I consider myself very much lucky and I am very much grateful that I matched.

Another point, I don't want to leave my peds program in a bad spot, I am not quitting now and planning to finish the intern year. I will try to be a very good intern, do the best I can.

@ sick = I know that if I have to apply, I have to do all the application process from all over again.

@ docgm = may be you are right and I might be asking too much. But I wanted to get a second opinion from you guys, if this too much to ask for or if it is something doable. Thanks for your honest opinion.

@ kash_md = some of the points raised during my interviews as red flags were that, I have not cleared my step 3 and no strong USCE. This season I am planning to clear step 3 and use the intern year experience as USCE. What do you say about that?

@ drbachi, oakramble and residencyapp321 = Thank you very much for your comments. I think I have to notify my PD about my future plans. The sticky point here is how he would take it? Do you think he would accept my request if do my best during my intern year?

@pc001 = Thank you very much for you points from a program's point of view. As I stated it earlier, I am very much thankful for getting this position and it is never my intention to leave the program in a bad spot. What do you suggest would be the best way of changing my specialty, without affecting the program that much?
@zlatka81 = Thank you for your encouraging points. I am planning to join another program the next matching season after finishing the intern year. I will also try to be a very hard working intern.

What is bothering me here is, I don't really know what it takes to impress the PD to the point that he would give me the blessing and the LOR to leave his program and join another specialty?

Thanks again for your comments.
Ppl change specialties all the time, the reality is most of them are AMGs.

I am assuming you aren't going to a program where you are the token IMG.

I have heard many horror stories from IMG heavy programs, and I guess that is PD dependent, based on your status as an old grad, coupled with your average scores, I wouldn't want to give any program ammo to not renew my contract, and telling them you aren't interested in their program is basically just that, ammo for them to use against you if you happen to make a mistake, or not impress them for whatever reason.

I think the best and safest approach for you, is to talk to your PD about putting you in touch with the IM program at your institution, because you feel that MEDPEDS is your best fit and passion, that way you keep your situation diplomatic with your PD and he'll be more apt to help you pursue your future endeavors.

I will follow up with what I would do in your situation when discussing your situation with your future PD

You can after completing Peds residency, be eligible to become board certified in internal medicine after 24 months of training. I don't know how hard or easy it will be to match into a a PGY2 and PGY3 IM program after completing peds training, or if you are even eligible, but I think being only 1 year longer than MEDPEDS program it isn't impossible.
remember, you don't know how your PD is going to take this. You will run into funding issues with your future program and you are opening up a can of worms.

What happens if you don't match even with your PDs blessings? Again you are an Old Grad with average scores with funding issues, how do you think your program is going to feel about you coming back for a pgy2 year?

you are opening up pandoras box. good luck, tread carefully and be tactful.
Dear Kash_md

From your posts on this forum so far, I knew that you are a very responsible and a very resourceful person. But today, you simply amazed me. You rock, man.

The comments are excellent, I will be very careful with PD and other relevant people. The ABIM link is very helpful. This was the kind of possibilities I was searching for the last 3 weeks. Let me go through the details of the requirements and I will come back to you for some clarifications.

The only thing I can do for you is simply, wishing you all the best.

Thanks my friend
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